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This is why the group finder SM ops shouldn't have lockouts...

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This picture paints a thousand words (actually only a few but you should get the idea), this is why lockouts fail in public group scenarios and 5 extra comms at the end wont fix it.




If you wait for a very long while the group finder really finds replacements....but it's still broken. When people start to leave it becomes impossible to remedy that group. I know the OP's issue.

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I get what the OP is saying.


A person leaving a PUG Ops group is a domino effect. People will start leaving faster than the GF can find them. Then when you finally call it you are half way through the Op and you're never going to be able to find a PUG group willing to start in the middle.


I've heard other people suggest that instead of being locked from the Op you should only be locked from looting the bosses you have already beaten that week. This way you can still help guildies through Ops you're locked out of or finish Ops you couldn't get done with a GF group but not be able to do the Ops 10 times and have you and and all your alts geared in 1 week.

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you can't requeue? even if you are 1 guy down and gf isn't helping, usually the group can manage with 7. I don't see a guy leaving a group bc he's no good a reason to get rid of lockouts.


If just the off tank or dps left it wouldn't be a problem, however after that a healer left and the only people in the group who had more than 15k hp was the main tank and myself whom I was the other healer in mainly columi at the time. Only two people (me and tank) knew the op and would of been a crapshoot to continue it.


This lockout kind of looks silly don't you think?




Ideally if people are going to jump in to ops for the first time there shouldn't be a penalty across the rest of the group for when someone leaves. I don't mind a few wipes while someone learns what is what however people are going to get frustrated and leave, not only the first timers but people looking for quick run that don't have time to carry someone through what is a simple op for them.


The rest of the group shouldn't be penalised for either especially in a public setting, the removal of lockouts from EV/KP story modes would mean everyone can relax and not worry about these strict conditions until they hit the real endgame content and by then they'd have the tactics to carry forward. After all they drop the same gear as the flashpoints which can be repeated as often as you wish, so it's not like it's there to protect something.

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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