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Vote for new Alienraces


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Hello SWTOR players / mods / whoever else reads ;)


What do you think of the idea to implement the wishes of the players by voting?


Every six months, a new race and right before the community gives her vote! ... Star Wars is alive just by the variety of races, because I find it very sad that so far appear to CLASSICAL peoples so far only as NCS. In the Ultimate Alien Antology (I think) almost 200 playable Star Wars races listed, so why not the Arcona, Duros, Mon Calamari, Rodian, Ithorieaner, Gamorreans, Gran, Nictos, Bith, Kel Dor, Sullustaner, Togruta ... you see what I mean?


Of course, someone is screaming "I want to play a Hutt / Ewok / Jawa / Dug / Gungan / Neti" drastically change what and grade at explezit NOT power Sense scopes peoples as Hutten definitely prevent this / by activating a Jedi Sith emerge ... Creepy thought ...


Ok, a new nation was indeed announced, but why just cats? Yes, they are lore, but there are cats ...:rod_embarrass_p:


Other things you can often read and they often also discussed things like:


I want to CHOOSE the color of dress


New hairstyles or one hairsyleist the there really is in every reasonably good MMORPG


Space combat PvP very important / urgent


Housing tool for spacecraft or a guild spacecraft / guild house where you can set up trophies furniture etc? Please, please, please :mon_angel:


The developers it is about money? Many things which they can do because of me as a cartel coins thing to pay => main thing it comes :csw_jabba:


What do you think of the idea of ​​voting?

Do you have any more ideas?

What's missing very very urgently?


(Translated from german to english by google)

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