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For the love of swtor - fix lack of TANKS


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This game suffers horribly from lack of tanks. Please please do something to give more incentive for people to play tanks. The spec sucks in pvp, there needs to be some serious attention given to this problem, its to the point its an epidemic problem in nearly every MMO.


Tanks are for PvE. Like you said, It has always been like this in most MMOs so not much is going to change in SWTOR I guess.

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As a tank, I feel that I can address some of the reasons on both sides of this game:


General Tankie stuff:

1. What really makes a "tank", a tank? Taunt/Guard/DFCDs. The problem is those are baseline skills for the tank classes. This needs fixing. They need to be changed to specable talents in the corresponding tank tree.

2. Tanks need a cannon. They are "tanks" afterall, and should have the biggest cannon in game. Again, a high tier talent in the tank tree with a significant CD, as to not be spammed, but powerful as all getup. It should be nuke style.

3. Tanks who actually like to tank, understands that it is dependent on them to control the fights (eithe rin PvE or PvP). They are also expected to be knowkedgable about every facet of an encounter. You need experience in other roles before you can be a competent tank(IMO). Wet behind the ears tank are worst than the same type of DPS/HPS types, because normally there is only one or two tanks versus three/four DPS/HPS. The only way to "fix" it is to add people willing to not be glory hounds looking for epic DPS/HPS. Tanks are mudders, and not many exist nowadays... good luck fixing that btw...



I have no idea why there would be tank rage in PuGs. Most wipes don't happen because the tank screwed up. Most wipes are either due to lack of DPS/HPS or a tank losing aggro because of the game design. High level DPS/HPS(!) draws too much aggro in PvE. In fact, DPS draws SO MUCH aggro, that I wear DPS gear in order to hold aggro better. I have to choose between being more tankie, or holding aggro better. This needs fixing. Tank specs need to have better aggro generator talents, and not limit them to one or two attacks. I used hilt strike (while in tank gear/spec) many times and lost aggro to DPSers..:confused: When I tank in PuGs I use my two taunts, and sweep. that's it. There is really no incentive to wear tank gear or spec full tank in PvE.



It's been stated, but Tanks in PvP need to have better mechanics for shield and absorb. With the critical ratings/talents out there, shield and absorb are useless, so most tanks wear Defense heavy tank gear or DPS gear. As much as it might impact the role negatively, I think not having it subjected to crit rating might be a good thing. Just put a cap on how much absorb/shield contributes to the end percentage. It would fill the layered approach to being a tank, and act much like it would in PvE because NPCs are not pushing shield chance off the table very often(unlike PvP). Tanks would actually wear the gear and have a bigger role in team mitigation.



Just my 2 cents...

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Told ya!

Not really it is the suggestion box, it's worse than the class forums. I really don't why this thread has to go here, in the suggestion box...


Maybe it could go to the PvP lines because of balance, or in the Tanking role forum in order to be general, but the Suggestion box... This has nothing to do with a suggestion, it brings an issue in the spot light, and we discussed it.

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