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Jedi knight (Sentinel) Skill tree problem


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Greetings all,


I Have a problem with the Jedi knight skill tree. I´am now lvl 11 and have 2 trainging point to give train. wane I select a abilitie to train my point don´t go to that abilitie the 0/1 wil not go tot 1/1. Wane I entert the Fleet I did the quest ware a Jedi master tells you that you have to make a choice of 1 of the 2 advands classes. After talking to him I went to the skill trainner. I make my choice for Sentinel and confirm my choice. I got the backpak with the 2end lightsaber. ansd my skill tree is lighting up. But I can't fill it in.


Does some 1 have any idea what is wrong or how I can fiks this. THX for any help

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After you select one of the abilities from the bottom of the list there is a confirm button on the bottom right of the skill selection box. After you hit the button it locks it in. After you put 5 points in one of your tier one abilites you can then select the ones in tier 2. Hope this helps.
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