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Does Gore effect Force Scream?


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A very simple question. I think Force Scream is force damage so I am in doubt if Gore effects it with the 100% extra armor penetration.


Does anybody know?


PS. I did google it but i found only old topics. With the many patches I cannot rely on the information there, so pardon me if you think I am a lazy slob.

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There are 4 types of damage:


Energy/Kinetic and Elemental/Internal.


Energy/Kinetic are mitigated by Armour while Elemental/Internal are not.


Now with this information, take a look at the Force Scream tooltip.


Force/Tech and Weapon/Ranged are not connected to Energy/Kinetic and Elemental/Internal damage. Force/Tech and Weapon/Ranged decide whether or not the ability is Shield-able/Defence-able it has no bearing on armour mitigation.

Edited by stephenjohnp
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Once you get geared and min/max for full power and drop your crit, you will be hitting 5-6k force screams all the time. The highest I've seen is 8k on scream, and I managed a 10k crit on the last ravage tick in a hybrid anni/carnage build (pick up both juyo increased damage talent with carnage, insane ravages).


If you can get off a full Gore > Ravage, Scream (you need to start Ravage immediately when you hit gore; gore is not on GCD so hit it miliseconds after you hit Gore) off one someone, it can be an instant kill depending on their gear and cooldowns.

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