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Question about dps for shadow's


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Im thinking about making a dps setup for my shadow right now. I have him geared up as Kinetic combat tank right now but want to build a dps gear set for when i need to switch to dps. Which is better in the skill tree the balance spec or the infiltration spec for pure dps ? Any advice is greatly welcomed
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Both Infil and Balance are pretty much equally valid, with the Balance spec managing better DPS in theory and via parses but requiring a *lot* more work to get there. Infiltration is a *really* simple rotation and priority where you just use stuff on CD or when a specific buff is active. Balance gets difficult insofar as having to reapply buffs with very tight timetables to get to the appropriate levels of DPS.
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If you want to start a DPS spec while still having your tank gear* (like I did), I'd say you should go Infiltration.


Firstly, in my opinion Balance rely too much on crits (for self heals) to be played without DPS gear (and it relies more on Force powers than Infiltration, so the spec is less forgiving about the lack of Focus instead of Generator).


Secondly, only Infiltration gives you raw defense buffs (Kinetic field, Black-out improvement) while Balance only gives you indirect defense (self heal on crits), and so it feels way more squishy, which can be like a slap in the face when you're used to be tanky. (These were my own impressions when I switched to DPS.)



* if I'm not mistaking you said you haven't DPS gear yet

Edited by Altheran
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To put it into simpler terms.....


Do you want to tear them up from the inside out = dots = Balance




Pound them in the face/back with a sledgehammer = SLEDGEHAMMER = Infilitration


I agree with Kitru. In theory balance is a higher sustained dps but more complicated to maintain. Infiltration is EXTREMELY burst orientated with a more basic rotation/priority list. Both are valid endgame dps and are a tonne of fun to play, but have VERY different playing styles. Gear is the same, so i'd say pick what you prefer to play.

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