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Carnage raid issues


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I apologize if this has already been spoken about, but is the bug that renders the ataru procs useless for large bosses still in effect for carnage? I'd like to have the most effective spec for raiding (evidently annihilation) but I find carnage to be more my style. I'd hope Carnage can compete with annihilation currently.
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I believe this bug has been remedied... and if not, the easy fix has always been getting into range of the boss til you see the little icon show up again. Sorry, I haven't raided with my Marauder since like 1.2.


As I'm reading it, Carnage is blowing up Anni right now if you have the gear. It always had that potential due to it scaling better than the other 2 specs.

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As I'm reading it, Carnage is blowing up Anni right now if you have the gear. It always had that potential due to it scaling better than the other 2 specs.


Carnage can outperform Annihilation, but it doesn't "blow it up".


Both specs (anni/carnage) do an insane amount of dps for pve. Go with the one you like playing. Though i will say that carnage is definitely more suited to tfb hm because of all the burst phases. All in all depends on the fight.


The latter is the important part, and it's not limited to TFB.


Current endgame (HM/NM EC, HM TFB) is bursty by nature, and Annihilation suffers if you don't keep 3 stacks of Annihilator up. The moment they fall off, there's a minimum of 22.5 seconds where you're not doing optimal DPS and there's no way around that.


With the nerf to self-healing, there is even less incentive to play Annihilation, as it did have a very real benefit of providing SIGNIFICANT healing (e.g. 50-70k+, covering at least 2/3 of your own healing needs plus incidental healing to keep other DPS topped off). Now, with that toned down somewhat, it's not a dead argument or dead spec, but the "wind up" to reach peak DPS and the less-impactful heals mean there are far fewer situations where it is optimal.


The main thing I still use it for is Colonel Vorgath in EC, because a Marauder with a 6s interrupt (and a Force Charge interrupt) + a tank with an 8s interrupt can lock down all channels, and ranged, channeling DPS don't have to interrupt their DPS to protect the raid. 2x 8s+ interrupts are not always sufficient, and that's reason enough to accept a small DPS loss in exchange for helping 3 other folks maintain their DPS.

Edited by Omophorus
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