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Can Jedi-Guardians be played as a DPS-Class?


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Hello fellow Jedi-knights.


I started a Jedi Guardian some days ago and love playing it. Currently I'm 25 and just arrived on Tatooine. I'm traited 8 Watchmen 7 Focus sofar and I notice a bit of a squishiness in though fights, through I don't really care as I plan to play it as a DPS class with some tanking in flashpoints in between.


My questions is, can the Jedi Guardian be played as a DPS class at 50? I understand that I will lack DPS compared to Sentinels but I don't really want to be top of the notch, just do alright DPS.


Or should I really play a Sentinel and try to Off-Tank with it? Would this even worK?


Thanks a lot :)

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Definitley can. Levelling a DPS Guardian is easier, I've heard, with Vigilance, but once you complete it, Focus is a huge damage dealer. To give you an idea, the standard rotation with Focus will end with a Force Sweep that deals, on average, 3500-4500 damage (depending on gear). Not sure about Vigilance, but I've heard good things about it as well.
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Easiest way to level a guardian is speccing Defense but wearing DPS gear at the same time. You'll be able to take on champion mobs (provided you've got consumables) of your level alone. Vigilance looks fancy but Focus is far superior. You'll be able to switch to either on level 40 once you unlock the final damaging ability - before that those specs are very bad.


Guardian can be a good dps but he won't be anywhere near a properly geared powertech/vanguard or sentinel/marauder.

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Hello fellow Jedi-knights.


I started a Jedi Guardian some days ago and love playing it. Currently I'm 25 and just arrived on Tatooine. I'm traited 8 Watchmen 7 Focus sofar and I notice a bit of a squishiness in though fights, through I don't really care as I plan to play it as a DPS class with some tanking in flashpoints in between.


My questions is, can the Jedi Guardian be played as a DPS class at 50? I understand that I will lack DPS compared to Sentinels but I don't really want to be top of the notch, just do alright DPS.


Or should I really play a Sentinel and try to Off-Tank with it? Would this even worK?


Thanks a lot :)


Vigilance could use a few tweaks, but it is more than viable for end game DPS. The resets on master strike can make for some big numbers. And perhaps just as important, it allows you to see the master strike animation that much more often!


Most HC4s can be tanked in Vigilance (just swtich to soresu).

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Vigilence Guardians are decent PvE dpsers, also a Vigilence DPS can actually play tank if need be. The key issue with the focus build is the relience on force sweep, which can disrupt cc's. Vigilence has more of a single target setup, with the area of effect attack being a cooldown/force generator.


Add to the fact that plasma brand bypasses many shield effects and damage mitigations (and the DoT, isn't exactly that bad either), and you've got a fairly good dps.


Things get more interesting if you are trying to be a hybrid, you can actually be a dps/backup tank using vigilence but you really have to pay close attention to your gear, otherwise it ends up falling apart (it can be done though).

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