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SWTOR needs an Expansion Pack


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Any xpac would have been in the wroks way before the f2p decision was even made.


And f2p titles don't do xpacs? Really? Guild Wars?


You can't honestly think the entire business strategy here is to make money off of the cartel shop. Not to mention the fact subscribers expect a living and developing game. Nickle dimming new daily areas and a token piece of content every 6 weeks or so + perhaps a planet once a year isn't gonna cut it in a world where competition is launching full blown expansions. Say what you will about them "fleecing" people but an expansion is a lease of life for a game. Generates excitement, optimism and a positive buzz. Something TORs community is sorely sorely lacking as of late.


sure, major content expansion has been in the works even before f2p was announced and BW has said as much or at least has hinted at it here and there. but that has nothing to do with how they are going to deliver that content.

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sure, major content expansion has been in the works even before f2p was announced and BW has said as much or at least has hinted at it here and there. but that has nothing to do with how they are going to deliver that content.


The most effective way would be to make people pay for it, so they can make a larger profit for future development, but also get some better or more staff on the Dev's payroll. As for them hinting at it, I dont personally remember them doing so, but if they did, or do in the future, they should let people know some of the things they are working on to IMPROVE the game, so people have more of a reason to stay longterm, sub, or remain a sub. They dont have to release specific content information on a ''Spoiler'' level, but they do need to let us know that they do hear, and realize what the mistakes are.... since they don't, it makes me think in times like this, *** haven't they already made of of these changes?

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As for an expansion pack... I'm sure one is in the works. By normal MMO standards, it's a bit early for an expack. They usually come out 18-24 months after launch and then on two year cycles after that.


USUALLY come out 18-24 months after launch.. but SWTOR needs to make a lot of big changes to keep enough players before the game flops. I mean some of the simpler things like gambling, chat bubbles, additional dailies could be done via patch updates, but they should be focusing on an expansion pack to improve the major issues besides bugs... Open world PvP, new planets, better space combat (not a requirement, but it is a Starwars game and all), ect.


A lot of people say they need to fix the gurrent game before they do an expansion pack, but I feel the way the game is now is causing a lot of the issues, possibly due also to the Hero engine the game uses not being optomized yet... which doing that could fix a lot of issues in the game, and help the game make a big turn in the right direction.

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it needs a revamp in the proportion of Final Fantasy XIV "Realm Reborn"


I suggest

SWTOR - A Galaxy Reborn - Expansion I


They should emulate Lucas in this regard:

Since the technology isn't there to tell the story like they really want it, they should start in the middle. Call it SW:TOR -Episode 4 - A New Hope


I couldn't resist.

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If there is ever an expansion back it should be based on space content, the single player rail shooter is good for pve, but what about heroic pve or as a new pvp warzone? space content will have to be re-modeled, so were able to move around freely without being pushed into an area like the single player rail shooter.
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