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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Very disappointed


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BW I am very disappointed with you. You do a patch today....that involves nothing but bringing back an old bug for companions that is super annoying {for those that use them}. Perhaps I am being unrealistic, but I was expecting a fix for the HK companion bug by now. You know the bug where a lot of players did the mission and got a droid they could not use becasue it was naked.


I was sincerely hoping that today I would actually be allowed to begin enjoying the main content of 1.5 and goof with my HK droid some. Nope...it is still naked. I refuse to buy/make gear for it as it was supposed to come with some. While it would be upgraded in time perhaps....out of principle I deserve to get mine geared as was intended for all. Not to mention I could not craft his named weapons etc.


When I say begin enjoying 1.5....due to this bug I have not bothered trying to get the HK on any other toons for fear they would get screwed also....that and call me nuts, I but expected a patch to fix it by now.


I have played your game religiously since early closed Beta, been a loyal paying customer since as early as possible....and this is how I and many other loyal customers are treated. I do love this game, but am slowly beginning to love to hate it. I know, just another thread for nothing :-(.

Edited by Urantia
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