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[VIDEO's] Powertech Guides for new players!


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Easy guys, I've been working on some video guides to cover PvP specs, rotations, tactics & tips for lower levels and new/returning players. Hope these links are useful and answer some questions. If you find them useful please rate, comment, subscribe to my channel and I will keep you updated with future content! These video's mainly concentrate on Pyrotech Damage role specs...





Fisto Gaming


Any questions or feedback is welcome! Thanks for watching

Edited by Lorcen
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I have a lot to say in response to your videos. Players should take the time to read my comments carefully.


2/3 Intimidation from the Shieldtech tree is a larger DPS increase than 2/2 Hot Iron from the AP tree. With 2/3 Intimidation, the additional 4% on each CGC tick more than makes up for the lost 2% on Flame Burst. Like I said, it's actually a total DPS increase since CGC is ticking even when you're not actively using Flame Burst.


Also, Pyro PT's do have a rotation. While only the opener is a static rotation, the follow-through damage abilities are defined by priority rotation. Also, your opener depends on what your target is. If it's heals, you should open with ED > TD > EF+FB > RS. If your target is DPS/Tank, just skip the ED. The ED only sets up a mini-burst "panic" to juke healers into popping their defensive CD's so they're vulnerable when you do your big TD+RS burst. The ED+FB will knock a Sorc/Sage's bubble. Scoundrels/Ops Evasion/Dodge only lasts 4secs max (if they has the 2pc Enforcer bonus), which will be down by the time TD+RS damage applies. After your opener, your priority should be: RS (if proc/avail), RP (if PPA CD down), FB (if RP is on CD), TD (if off CD and RS is proc/avail), Rapid Shots (if above 40% Heat, between FB).


Gyroscopic Alignment Jets is better than the damage reduction from Infrared Sensors for specs in 1.4-5. As long as your resolve bar is not full, successive stuns (even if you're already stunned), knockbacks and roots will trigger the Gyro heat dispersion. Also, jumping on the turbo jets in Huttball will trigger Gyro, and you'll get a double-dose of Gyro if you're hit with a knockback that also uses a root.


If you're taking Infrared Sensors to detect stealthers coming up behind you, then you need to learn to counter the opening burst for those classes and specs. Knowing how to counter the opener and being able to invest your points into Gyro is FAR more valuable than Infrared Sensors. If you're taking Infrared Sensors to guard a node, then here's easy tips to counter both Sin/Shadow and Scoundrel/Op: If a Sin/Shad mezes you from stealth, sit there and WAIT for it to wear off. After you're out, they will most likely mez you again from stealth then try to plant/cap. Use your Determination to break the mez, since now your Resolve bar is full. Stop them from capping. Collect points. If a Scoundrel/Op mezes you from stealth, again, let the first mez wear off. If you're mez'd again, use Determination and stop the cap. HOWEVER, a good Scoundrel/Op will mez you once, then immediately start the plant/cap. Why? Because they have ANOTHER mez they can use out of stealth. If this happens, go ahead and pop your Determination to break the mez. Immediately spam ED/TD and Quell at the same time (Quell does not follow the GCD). Quell will interrupt their cap. They will then hit you with their out of stealth mez. Well, ED/TD is already ticking on them, so they will be interrupted in mid-plant/cap. Then the mez will wear off of you in the middle of them trying to cap again and your Resolve is full. Defend node. Collect points.


After 1.4, you should never use Incendiary Missile to open on a target - it's high heat garbage that wastes a GCD. The range has been nerfed to 10m and that's FB's range. You'll actually end up doing more damage, use no heat, and have a high probability of proc'ing CGC with Rapid Shots, as you close in on your targets. Instead, use IM when your target is at or below 30% when spec'd into Burnout.


Other than those points, the guide is pretty decent.

Edited by Sippix
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Hey Sippix, thanks for taking the time to put that information together, I agree people should read this ^^ carefully. Very good points. I'm guessing you are talking about the 50 Spec Pyro video, this was made back in 1.2 and I've been looking to make an updated one. One thing to bear in mind with the IM is the 30% elemental periodic damage finisher on targets below 30% hp. This does make it a crucial part of a rotation if used with TSO, but I agree, it cooks heat and limits burst dps at the beginning of a fight. I also use Quell before or after my RP within the rotation, they share similar CD's and you can silence/interrupt every 9-11 seconds if in melee range in most fights. Using quell as soon as it is up makes a massive difference 1v1. If I make an updated spec guide I will definitely mention this ^^
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One thing to bear in mind with the IM is the 30% elemental periodic damage finisher on targets below 30% hp. This does make it a crucial part of a rotation if used with TSO, but I agree, it cooks heat and limits burst dps at the beginning of a fight.


I actually have been using IM versus tanks when they hit the 30% range, and it's been a lot easier to take down Heavy Armor classes. I edited my above post to reflect the sentiment.

Edited by Sippix
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