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why before battle of yavin


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The Battle of Yavin was a turning point in the war. It signaled the beginning of the end of the Empire, through the destruction of their superweapon. The Battle of Yavin started events that would destroy the Galactic Empire and bring a New Republic and a new era for the galaxy.


Or you can look at like this: The Battle of Yavin occured during A New Hope and A New Hope was the first Star Wars movie, which kicked the saga off.

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The Battle of Yavin was a turning point in the war. It signaled the beginning of the end of the Empire, through the destruction of their superweapon. The Battle of Yavin started events that would destroy the Galactic Empire and bring a New Republic and a new era for the galaxy.


Or you can look at like this: The Battle of Yavin occured during A New Hope and A New Hope was the first Star Wars movie, which kicked the saga off.


Yeah... I think your latter reason is the big one.


It's a date that everybody is familiar with, so it just makes since to date everything relative to that point in time.

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I still wonder what system was in place before then, because it's pretty obvious that bby/aby wasn't used until the new republic. I just haven't come across it in the lore yet.


hmmm.... I always thought that this was a dating system used purely by us (the fans). I imagine the actual people in Star Wars use something else.

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In the novel Dark Force Rising a alternative dating system gets a brief mention in the scene where Luke is looking for data concerning C'boath and the Outbound Flight project. It's been a while since I read the book so I don't remember any specifics.
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They used the destruction of the first death star as a starting point for the new dating system because it was a piviol battle, it was the first battle that made the rag-tag force of rebel a real viable threat to the empire and a saviour to the galaxy. It also was the first battle that the first jedi of the new jedi participated in - a historic event; Keep in mind, the ABY/BBY dating system didn't come into effect until after the formation of the New Republic, and if I recall was only introduced in the expanded universe to keep track of how long after the first movie events are.


as for what calendar they used before the BBY system, I'm pretty sure they used the date of the Ruusan reformation as a starting point. This was re-conned into the expanded universe to explain away Palpatines line in the prequals where he states something along the lines of "There has never been a full scale war in over 1000 years"


from wookeepedia:


In the Expanded Universe, the Republic is well established to be extant for 25,000 years, based on Obi-Wan Kenobi's line in A New Hope that the Jedi had been "the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic" "for over a thousand generations." For a long time, EU sources were the only works set during the Republic era—most notably the popular Tales of the Jedi sagas. However, in Attack of the Clones, Palpatine mentioned the Republic had "stood for a thousand years." This at first seemed to conflict with both the C-canon EU history and the G-canon internal continuity in the films. However, the Ruusan Reformation—in which the Republic is reorganized following the already-established defeat of the Sith a thousand years prior to the films at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan—was invented by subsequent writers to give an alternate explanation on Palpatine's line, thus bringing all these sources into relative harmony through a retcon. It also explains how Sio Bibble could claim, in Attack of the Clones, that there had not been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic.


so, the movies take place roughly in roughly 1000 years after the Ruusan Reformation. I don't know the short hand, but 1,000 ARF sounds comical. it was also 2,653 ATC, which is the current calendar in use in SWTOR, so that means that EP4 takes place around 3653 ATC, or 3653 years after SWTOR.

Edited by BladedDingo
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