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Server lag!!!!!!!!!!!!


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:( Ser ver is laging very badly, and yes its only on swtor, all others games are working fine.

FIX IT PLS!!!!!!


I can say the same.


My ping, for where I live, is very good most of the time, but even though when I'm going to attack a mob or looting its corpse, it takes like 1 to 2 seconds to do so.

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I can confirm server lag. I have FTTH and constant 50-60ms to server, so lag is not form network, but from server incapable to process all players at the same time. I have 4 bars in swtor all the time and never have any problems in any games, but damn red eclipse server is soo laggy that is unplayable. As subscriber I just can't tolerate this anymore. When swtor came out I played on almost empty server and game experience was phenomenal. I got bored of the game after few months and I took a break from it. Now I came back and I can't play the game anymore because of server lag.

Just fix it somehow or do something I can't play in that. I have died dozen times now just because of that and I have enough. I will cancel subscription if you won't fix it somehow until my months runs out. I give you my promise. I'm prepared to support this game and continue playing, but not like that. It is very good to have high population on GTN, but is no fun doing dailies and operations.

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My lag is bad. I seem to telelport a lot. I had to turn down my resolution and all options to low to make my experience less laggy. I would appreciate it if they fixed the servers so that it can accommodate more people to play at the same time.
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