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Urgently Required during Queue nightmare... Character Transfer


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Hi Dev's,

You are all aware that we are facing queues between 5 minutes to queues in excess of two hours. For instance, i've logged on this morning at 9:00 on a tuesday, a work day.. and i have a 20 minute wait on Frostclaw. Yes Frostclaw is a popular server but on the first few days we didn't have much choice of servers to pick. More and more have been added over the early access days.


So i propose a solution to get around having to wait so long for these queues since some of us on the overpopulated servers would be happy to change server but we're stuck because we dont want to reroll high level characters due to the time we've commited..


Proposed Solution(For those who dont want to read the background above):


Please can you implement an automated Character Transfer process from the Server Selection screen.


I appreciate there are a lot of technical difficulties involved in this, however.. You are going to be inundated with more and more players over the christmas period, and there are no signs of already overpopulated servers receiving any aid... Your adding more servers, but people are still going to pick the best named server, or join their guild on the popular servers.. Whilst you have people on those servers who want to move due to the overpopulation.


So i must stress.. you Need a process of 'spreading out the population', rather than a process of simply adding new servers.


I know it's a tall order so soon in development since you have so much to focus on. But from one developer talking to another, i'd hope you can see the sence in taking this into serious consideration.


For those who agree with this post:


I would humbly ask that you reply adding your agreement with what i propose so that we can alert the developers to this proposal and the amount of people who would like to see this happen. I would ask you to please stick to topic and not throw in other proposals, for that please make a new post and i'm happy for you to stick a link to it in your reply here. If we can keep this active then hopefully we can reach the attention of the developers.

Thank you.


A word of thanks:


Aside from this suggestion, i would like to congratulate you on a magnificant technical success. The amount of effort and hard work which have obviously gone into this game is astounding. I am in awe of the masterpiece you have produced and really appreciate the blood and sweat you have all poured into this game. You have brought a new level of entertainment to the gaming industry and we are incredibly grateful for all your efforts.

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Yes, i also agree with Demartan..


For this initial period of stabalisation a free transfer, but shortly after, to move to the paid transfer model.


Dev's please remember, it's not new servers that alleviate queues, it's things like this which do that.. so that we can spread out between the servers.

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