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BiS PVE Relics?


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What are the current BiS PVE relics? Currently im using two WH power relics i know those use to be BiS but has anyone done any extensive research on there own that proves the new dread guard relics are better then the WH ones. If there are please name the ones your using so that i can get an idea of what every one thinks. I play a annilation spec mara below is my link



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1.5 has reshuffled things a bit.


With the addition of Power to PVE relics (rather than pure END), they once again become BIS.


Right now, the best setup is a Power on-use relic (provided you USE IT), and a proc relic.


Which one... well that's an interesting discussion.


For solo play, Internal/Elemental is the best option.


For raiding, where you're almost certainly going to have a -20% Armor debuff on all targets worth talking about, the Kinetic/Energy relics actually nudge out the I/E (by a tiny margin).


Out of all classes, Marauder benefits most from a Proc relic (if, stat-wise it's actually competitive, which the DG ones currently are) because we have such a high volume of attacks, and thus the best chance of any class to actually get it proc'ing close to its theoretical 1x/4.5s maximum.


I wouldn't rush out to spend daily comms unless they're burning a hole in your pocket, it'll need to wait to be seen what goes live in 1.6, and what the final stats look like, because it's theoretically possible (though unlikely) that EWH Power relics will retake the crown.


Edit: I intentionally took the I/E option, because it is more consistent, even if it isn't ideal under ideal raiding conditions.

Edited by Omophorus
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Actually, if you're annihilation spec, the internal proc relic is by far the best option, edging ahead of the kinetic relic due to the boost to internal damage in your tree. Even without this though, a 20% debuff isn't actually enough to make the kinetic relic win out. You really need the full 55% that mercs have in order to see it pull ahead.
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Actually, if you're annihilation spec, the internal proc relic is by far the best option, edging ahead of the kinetic relic due to the boost to internal damage in your tree. Even without this though, a 20% debuff isn't actually enough to make the kinetic relic win out. You really need the full 55% that mercs have in order to see it pull ahead.


There is no carte blanche increase to internal damage, just increased damage and crit damage on *bleed* effects. Internal/elemental relic procs do not fall under the category of "Bleeding" and do not see a damage buff from the Annihilation/Watchman talents so far as I know (or have ever seen on a parse).


The other threads I've been reading on the subject seem to indicate that hits with the Kinetic relic are exceeding 210 damage even with just 20% Arpen, though the sample size and control of variables is shoddy to say the best, so I'd be happy to settle for the jury still being out, to some extent.


Edit: And through all of this, there runs an assumption that you're able to use an on-use Power relic to its CD. The moment it starts sitting up unused, WH (and future EWH) static Power relics overtake the on-use. The proc relic remains the BIS option for the other slot, and now we'll just need to compile the data to get the jury back into the courtroom. I have the DG internal relic, so I can verify whether or not Annihilation talents have any impact (though my bet is on the negative), but I do not have a Kinetic relic yet to compare against (though it's on the to-buy list on my lolMerc).

Edited by Omophorus
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  • 2 weeks later...
So unless some one has done some extensive research im gonna say that the on use new dread guard relic and the internal proc relic are BiS for a Annilation Mara for PVE.


There has actually been some testing done on a number of threads.


On-use Power + ELEMENTAL Proc relic are BiS.


There have been a number of tests that indicate the Elemental Proc relic seems to function off Force crit chance, whilst the Internal relic functions off Tech crit chance.


We don't have a Tech crit chance, so it would just be our rating + our meager Aim + Cunning stats (and parses back this up... the wrong relic is typically parsing 5-20% lower Crit% than would be expected if a normal crit stat were impacting it).

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