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Server Queues - Again but getting worse


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I expected queue times since it is a new mmo launch and all, that's why I picked a low pop server to begin with during day one of early access, not a single time during the whole week did I ever see my servers pop go above light, then bam midnight last night I get slapped with a 300+ person queue. If you read Biowares' official statement about queues it basically says "LOL ROLL AGAIN". I don't want to, I'm already at level 25 halfway through leveling, you'd think they'd have had the common sense to program the game to automatically suggest or only show brand new or very low pop servers last night when the rush hit, but no, at the very least you could give all of us that were screwed a free character transfer to the new and low pop servers (since you know no one else is playing on them and none of the people that just stated playing last night are going to roll on them) this way we don't have to deal with queues, can thin out the population on heavy severs, and increase the population on low pop/empty servers ( although WZ pvp would be atrocious for the first few weeks)
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I expected queue times since it is a new mmo launch and all, that's why I picked a low pop server to begin with during day one of early access, not a single time during the whole week did I ever see my servers pop go above light, then bam midnight last night I get slapped with a 300+ person queue. If you read Biowares' official statement about queues it basically says "LOL ROLL AGAIN". I don't want to, I'm already at level 25 halfway through leveling, you'd think they'd have had the common sense to program the game to automatically suggest or only show brand new or very low pop servers last night when the rush hit, but no, at the very least you could give all of us that were screwed a free character transfer to the new and low pop servers (since you know no one else is playing on them and none of the people that just stated playing last night are going to roll on them) this way we don't have to deal with queues, can thin out the population on heavy severs, and increase the population on low pop/empty servers ( although WZ pvp would be atrocious for the first few weeks)


I was asigned to bloodworthy because of the guild... i'm not feeling like creating a new one xD

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Actually it is entirely BioWare's fault and they are the only ones to blame for this mess. By allowing new players to join already full servers (not full as in current amount of online players as it seems to be right now, but full as in the amount of players having previously created a char on that server) and not having the character transfer system in place for launch.


Sure, not allowing new players to join their mates might be wrong to do, but at least it would still allow EVERYONE to play the game without queues, not just together with their mates who pre-ordered. However, their mates could transfer their chars on a later date or they could transfer their own chars to their mates servers when they become less populated. The good things surely out-weighs the bad.


If you think it's right to blame the new players for the increasing queue times you've got everything backwards...


I know there's been posts since this one, but I feel I can make a counterpoint to this one to address the point of some of them at the same time, so I might as well.


The new players are still at fault too, because when it comes right down to it, not every one of those people is just joining the server to 'play with their mates'.


And for that matter, not all of those servers are new.


IF there were only full servers, then I'd agree that Bioware is completely to blame and I'm not saying they aren't at fault too. But most of the fault still lies with the new players who intentionally opted to join a 'Heavy' or above population server when they had nothing to tie them to that server (like a Guild or friends on the server).


Keep in mind however that what I'm mainly concerned with is the word 'fault'.


Saying that Bioware(/LucasArts) is at fault suggests that they just didn't care or intentionally did something bad.

What Bioware did however was make a mistake. Specifically they misjudged the way that players would choose which server to join. The fact that there ARE plenty of servers that are at 'light' population and no one is joining them is, in my opinion, why this is not Bioware's fault.


You cannot blame Bioware for the fact that players are screwing over other players by choosing not to use those light population servers.


Is it lame that some guilds are on 'Full' servers and therefore new members have to join that server to play with their guild? Yeah and that's one of the parts of the blame that falls on Bioware.

However at the same time I also feel that in cases where (warning: the following numbers are arbitrary. If you want to start arguing about the specific numbers, don't. Read 'many' and 'few' instead, for your own sanity and mine.) 20 or more new players are joining an already full server because 5 of their guild mates (usually the leadership) have established characters on that server, it is every bit as much the fault of those five people for forcing their entire guild (and every other player on the server) to sit through a queue, just because they don't want to start and level up new characters along with their twenty guildmates who have to start and level up new characters any way.

And it's partly their fault for deciding to carry on with their 'real' characters despite already knowing how Early Access taxed the server populations. (Are they entirely and completely to blame? No. But they do share in the fault.)

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Hello everyone,


We know that the game queues are an important topic and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread where an official statement has been made. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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