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Character loading bar stuck at 50%? Possible solution!


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Simply, make sure your companion isn't around when you log off.. Dismiss them, send them on a gathering mission, whatever.. They can be there when you get back, just not when you leave..


So, let me explain how I came to this conclusion..


My husband's character was one of those stuck at 50% on the character loading screen.. From other things I'd read and observed myself, I knew that people were able to get their UI to come up by hitting alt+Z.. Some also said they were getting sounds like they were fully loaded in.. So I loaded my husband's character (or as far as it would go) and I also loaded my character into the same area.. I hit alt+Z to bring up the UI.. Turned off some settings.. Didn't help..


He was stuck at the Republic fleet so I thought if I could at least group up with him and bring him on my ship then I could get him off the space station.. But for some reason he wouldn't follow when I selected follow.. So, no go there..


I had also read some people saying that it could be gear related.. Like a new piece of gear or such was causing the problem.. So I took all of his gear off and tried to relog.. Nope..


While doing all of this I noticed that I could bring up crew skills so I figured I'd have Corso go do some slicing.. One time I sent Corso off before I tried to relog and my husband's character loaded fine! At first I hadn't realized what I'd done so when I tried to relog my husband's naked character with no luck, I was obviously frustrated.. Corso kind of annoys me so, in my frustration, I dismissed him out of spite.. I decided to try to relog one more time and voila! I then realized that the one thing I had changed that time was the companion..


I then spent about an hour putting a piece of clothing on my husband's character, relog, put another one on, relog.. Loaded every time.. I finally got him fully dressed and relogged again.. No problem.. So I brought Corso back out and relogged.. Stuck at 50% again.. I then took off all of Corso's gear in case that was the problem.. Relogged.. Stuck at 50%.. Dismissed Corso (with his gear still in the inventory), loaded fine.. For a finale I sent Corso off on a gathering mission, went back to the character screen, waited 3 minutes (that's how long the mission was), logged back in fine with Corso there waiting for me..



Soooooooo.... As you can see, the companion himself was the problem.. Why this happens, I don't know.. That's for the developers to figure out.. But I hope this solution works for others..

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Yeah, I should at least get some kind of finder's fee, right? lol Glad it helped..


They should pay you for this! so far since midnight I have had maybe 3 hours of game play... the rest at loading screens for this! Thank you so much!
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Sounds like you've got another issue going on.. Sorry my solution didn't help.. Only thing I can suggest is do like I did and try the process of elimination like I did.. Make a change, relog, see if it works.. If not, reset what you changed and try something else.. It's a lot of work but for me personally, it was worth it..


Yes I have, but it's the same for me. But I get better result if I relog and click play fast enough before the characters shows up again.
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CRAP! any idea how to dismiss a person while ON a ship... they don't show up in the UI and I can't get them to dismiss on the companion sheet. I tried sending her on a mission but that didn't work.


You can tell you are loaded... I have sound and movement on the map just no 3d interphase.

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Well, this seems to have been a temporary fix.. His character is now completely inaccessible and eternally stuck at 50%.. We are going to wait a couple of months and keep an eye on the forums in hopes that this is fixed, before we start subscribing..
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