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Republic Guild Project @ Red Eclipse


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I've been contemplating the creation of a new Republic guild on the EU Red Eclipse Server. As is I'm mainly looking for 3 to 4 people for the officers positions, with whom the guild's goals and policies can be formed. Primarily the guildis intended to be a casual and social envirorment that allows for members to be a part of the easier parts of End-Game content such as normal mode OPS, until such time where as we see fit to move to the harder tiers.

If you feel up to the task of building a solid foundation for a stabile, mature and ethical guild -

Please contact me in-game (Acarius) or mail me at mathias.iversen.viborg@gmail.com


I do expect that you:

- Are atleast 20-years-old

- Speak English fluently

- Are not held back by hardware or connection issues

- Are reliable as a person. i.e does not lie and inform the guild if you will be offline for a prolonged period

- Have access to VoIP software and a Microphone

- Are not a Free-to-Play Player (Support the game!)


It would be preferable if you:

- Have experience with Guild Management, OPS/Raid Leading and/or Leadership (from RL) in general

- Have a stabile real life setting, e.i. not having 6 month duty tours thrust upon you with a days warning

- Can bring a professional skill to the guild (Website administration\maintenance, Graphical design etc.)

- Live in Northern Europe (Scandinavia, Germany, The Netherlands, The UK etc.)


The Guild as is:

- Guildname: Sanctity

- Guildbank: 2 Slots present



A short presentation of myself:

My personal focus, however, will be to create a strikingly professional and dynamic Warzone team, but I have major experience with OPS leading in SWTOR and Raid leading in WoW. I'm 24-years-old, live in Denmark (Copenhagen) and work as the head of a minor IT-Department in Maersk A/S. I've played MMOs for 10 years and have progressed in end-game content amogst the best in Europe for short periods of time. I'm in a steady relationship without kids nor plans to ever have any. As a leader I strive to lead by example, to create good relations with other guilds and to facilitate a "feel good"-envirorment within the guild as a whole. However, I do not tolerate dishonesty, the use of bots, purchasing credits for RL money or the exploitation of bugs.


Best Regards,

M.S. Iversen - Belaria/Acarius

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I bought SWTOR a few weeks ago, and started with leveling a Jedi Sentinel.

I'm completely new to the game, but i've been playing (and I still do) WoW since 2005 (Vanilla).


I'm level 40 at the moment, and it's going quite fast, due to my WoW experience.

I've also been raidleader all through TBC and CATACLYSM.


My question is if you want people who are close to level 50 aswell.


All the requirements are fine:

- i'm 21

- speak fluent english

- stable connection, good hardware,...

- Got Vent, TS, Mumble, Skype,... and ofcourse i'm able to speak.





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Hi Tom,

I cannot see any reason why I should require the Officers to be at level 50 at the time of recruitment, however, before any additional members can be recruited I do expect that the Officers have a basic understanding of the End-Game content. Not meaning that you should have completed every single OPS, just done your dailies a few times, been in the Flashpoints and so on.


Are you availible for a conversation later tonight, on skype preferably?

Please reply to either Mathias.Iversen.Viborg@Gmail.com or Msi124@Maersk.com

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