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Disappointed by the Mercenary


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You're forgetting railshot, power shot, electro dart, jet boost, and definitely hs missiles


Obviously, and I use them also.



I'm just saying, most of the time in PvP or PvE I end up using Tracer because it outdamages all of the other attacks, puts an armor debuff on them, and the heat is considerably less than Power Shot and HS Missiles.


Based on what the OP said, the Merc class was to be known as the Duel Pistol wielding and gunslinging class. Not a missile and explosion type one... That's all I'm saying.

Edited by Skapek-Skocap
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Obviously, and I use them also.



I'm just saying, most of the time in PvP or PvE I end up using Tracer because it outdamages all of the other attacks, puts an armor debuff on them, and the heat is considerably less than Power Shot and HS Missiles.


Based on what the OP said, the Merc class was to be known as the Duel Pistol wielding and gunslinging class. Not a missile and explosion type one... That's all I'm saying.


Yup. Really that's all I was saying, too. That's why all the posts about PvP and PvE viability are eyeroll-inducing for me; I never said the class doesn't function. I'm just talking about flavor really. :p

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You are wrong TRACER replaces Power shot,


Rail shot is on par with Tracer shot damage they are interchangeable good as a finisher when someone is low on health. Railshot is dodgeable/miss Tracer missile is not. Why waste 300 stat points on accuracy when you can use it to up straight damage or crit.


Jet boost is not a DPS ability its for control.


Electro dart is a CC not DPS.


i will give u HS and HS is arguably a better finisher then railshot.


You're forgetting about Tracer Lock which increases the damage of Rail Shot. And the reason you should stack accuracy is because it increases armor penetration. Another move that uses the off-hand is Unload which would hit better.


So, it should be TM-TM-TM-HS-TM-TM-RS Maybe throw in an Unload at the end if they're still ailve

Edited by bobafetea
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Thanks for being perhaps the only person who didn't emphatically agree with me who also apparently actually read and understood my post. After pages of eyeroll-inducing posts written by people who either did not read my first post or made no real attempt to understand my point, it was good to finally see someone "get" it.


Aside, of course, from those who had the same feeling and just posted to say "I agree." Lots of those, I noticed.


Yes, my point was that the second pistol is largely superfluous, and the only spec that makes it less so (Pyrotech) appears to be relatively underpowered and a bit underwhelming in general. There's nothing about Mercenary that makes dual-wielding special ... as opposed to, say, Gunslinger, which has plenty that does.


But yeah, just to clarify, for all of the people who apparently didn't read my original post and understand it? Which seems to be most of you, judging from the responses? I went Powertech, guys. Powertech. I'm a Powertech, so it's all good. I took proactive measures to ensure I'd be able to enjoy myself before I ever posted this. Doin' fine, thanks.


It really was just a post to give a little feedback. No advice needed, and I'm quite happy right now with my Powertech, thank you. Judging by how many posted just to say they agree with me, it's clearly not that uncommon an opinion in any case.


The glaring flaw with your post is its built on an assumption with no evidence but other peoples opinions behind it. Its no wonder people replying dont take you seriously. Your regurgitating other players experiences paraphrased and then using that as your evidence. The big flaw is the assumption: pyrotech is underpowered compared to arsenal. The personal opinion of BH's that think that is easily explained by the different type of dps pyrotech does and how that can appear to be less if your just watching numbers since we have no combat logs to analyzed.

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