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Republic pvp healers... WHERE ARE YOU!!???


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Due to the lack of heals on the pub side I'm going to start trying to exclusively heal in PvP on my commando.


Any tanks are welcome to queue with me to make it a bit easier.


For me the biggest deterrent is the lack of tanks, getting no guards and the inability of people to peel off makes it a lot harder than it already is.


Also you might as well paint a big red mark above my name now I suppose :confused:


I really don't see the main issue being a lack of healers, I think I might SS a few of my games so we can look at the stats and see where the real problem lays.

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I really don't see the main issue being a lack of healers, I think I might SS a few of my games so we can look at the stats and see where the real problem lays.


Played 5 games today, been the only healer in all of them bar one, Crackston who sadly but truly gets more medals camping defender points.


The biggest issue I've come across is the lack of Utility and CC that pubs somehow don't know how to use/control. Everyones rolling lolsweep which while it puts out decent numbers, lacks the utility of say a focus build in soresu form for more survivability and guarding or maybe a vigilance/focus hybrid so that you can actually kill a Bubble Sorc without getting stunned to death.


Seeing as respec is free there's no reason people can't try new things once in a while to see how they fare. Hell I've been mixing it up myself to see if a gunnery/field medic hybrid works, so that I can get the stockstrike root and the extra knockback oomph.

Edited by Tom_the_Narwhal
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There's your problem, during non-prime time most people play under 50's or not at all.


At night and during the day there is a massive gap in all aspects.


Lack of healers. - When there is a healer on, lack of decent healers. (Perhaps only one or two will play and that's still not often, normally I see them off doing dailies)


Lack of tanks.


Lack of decent DPS. - This is most of the time, even in prime time. A commando pulling highest dps on the team and taking most damage? What a joke.


Lack of objective focused players. - Honestly, half the time I don't know what the hell my team is doing.


Lack of players using all their utilities. - They don't use cc's, half the time the game has just started, I go to cap something and theirs one guy that can shoot/leap at me and he doesn't get cc'd, or you cc a guy and it gets broken.



This isn't to say I'm amazing at the game, but these are my observations of the republic players.


You could say the whole 'err we're just starting out give us a break everyone has to start somewhere' Most of you have been playing for months now, there's plenty of guides on how to improve. Talk to people in game if you want tips, although many of the known players get angry and may tell you off in a wz, most of them are actually alright if you whisper them and ask them for help. If you see someone who's playing your class/spec and they're pulling more numbers than you and generally playing with a bit more skill, whisper them, ask for help.


You also can't say the imps out gear the pubs, that's ridiculous. There is equal amounts of fully WH geared people on both sides and there are midian players who are now queing on pub alts that pull more numbers than a lot of you and they're in gear just as bad as you, Luc, I'm not certain on what exactly his gear is, but I know his pub toon is not fully augmented wh gear, pulls more numbers than other sweep spec sents. Don't blame gear, realise it's your skill and aim to improve.




Edit: Don't think that this is aimed at you, Tom. This is aimed at pubs as a whole.

Edited by Antiskeptic
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i would say its the lack of tanks since im the only truly tank on the repub side the rest are in dps gear and dont know how to peel.

The worst thing is trying to guard a healer getting smashed when the tank guarding the healer is on the other side of the map being useless

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i would say its the lack of tanks since im the only truly tank on the repub side the rest are in dps gear and dont know how to peel.

The worst thing is trying to guard a healer getting smashed when the tank guarding the healer is on the other side of the map being useless


It's not the fault of any lack of one type. It's not purely a lack of heals, dps or tanks. It's mainly a lack of skill as outlined in my rant.





Realistically I play this game too much, and in that I can and generally do try to play the classes I play to their full potential as I've spent a long time on them, so again anyone at any time feel free to whisper me for any possible pointers.





Tom. /whisper I have a pointer for you. L2P.

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The lack of heals could also b because of the lack of population. I have stopped playing my healer simply because most of the opponents you come up against have played against you for months they know exactly who you are and get targeted accordingly. Its no fun getting jumped by their whole team at the start of every game. jumpsuit probly knows how it feels also. It gets old. Thats what i think anyways I probably need to L2P to deal with that but I cant be ****ed.
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