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F2P Suggestion.


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Checked with different account and well F2P, while nice, does have some "weird" restriction that I do believe shouldn't be there. And in order to keep those F2P players around it would be good to slack some of those.


-Action Bars:

Some classes are barely playable [at full capacity] with 2 bars, having those extra bars should be available to all. UI limitation is a bad thing. It wouldn't make a user want to subscribe for sure.


-Many small UI options:

Same thing basically, hide helmet, unify color, etc. Anything UI shouldn't be restricted [okay maybe aside Title display]


-Warzones :

This one is more of a suggestion, instead of limiting the amount of warzone a F2P can do, why not limit their reward? Having more pvpers out there will not only make the server's WZ more fun to play [aka not the same people over and over] but help you for balance issue, as for you would be getting more "data" for class balances.



Ah well, there's my 2 cents I suppose.

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