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@ Developers: Jet Boost vs Warrior Smash


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Warrior vs Merc


Warrior Leaps + Smash


Mercs Counter Used To Be: Try to Jet Boost after the leap but right before smash so you don't get hit by it.


Merc can no longer do this because smashes activation time has been increased to be faster and mercs jet boost is so slow that there is no point in knocking back the smash warrior anymore because it wont prevent any damage, and most likely you will be force crushed slowed after the smash so you wont be able to get away or stop the smash from hitting you.


Also, cleanse removes 2 negative effects, so if a merc is pyro spec, 1 cleanse can remove all their dots stopping them from doing their already low and horrid damage in pvp. Please allow pyro dots to be uncleansable or maybe interrupt caps for the 1st few seconds.


Just adding another flaw to the merc class for developers to see.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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The entire concept of using JetBoost immediately after being Force Charged is dubious. Since you are rooted for 2 (usually 3) seconds after the Force Charge, your lack of movement means you negated nearly the entire benefit of the JetBoost's snare. Moreover the Vengence/Vigilance Warrior/Knights will be immune to ALL the effects of your Jet Boost at that time.


You are better off eating the initial damage and then then using Jet Boost after you are no longer rooted. At that point, then you can get some separation from the melee attacker.


Now if they changed JetBoost so that when you used it, it removed all negative movement effects (just as the Sorc Sprint ability does), AND allowed it to override Unstoppable/Unremitting, then you might be on to something....

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The entire concept of using JetBoost immediately after being Force Charged is dubious. Since you are rooted for 2 (usually 3) seconds after the Force Charge, your lack of movement means you negated nearly the entire benefit of the JetBoost's snare. Moreover the Vengence/Vigilance Warrior/Knights will be immune to ALL the effects of your Jet Boost at that time.


You are better off eating the initial damage and then then using Jet Boost after you are no longer rooted. At that point, then you can get some separation from the melee attacker.


Now if they changed JetBoost so that when you used it, it removed all negative movement effects (just as the Sorc Sprint ability does), AND allowed it to override Unstoppable/Unremitting, then you might be on to something....


You are correct, but you missed my initial point.


Jet Boost used to COUNTER smash by activating faster than smash itself, therefore it was more beneficial to knockback the warrior after they jumped to you so that you don't get smashed. Now they just keep nerfing mercs constantly non stop and the merc developer isn't saying anything because he is either very ignorant, silenced, or fired, not sure.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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The entire concept of using JetBoost immediately after being Force Charged is dubious. Since you are rooted for 2 (usually 3) seconds after the Force Charge, your lack of movement means you negated nearly the entire benefit of the JetBoost's snare. Moreover the Vengence/Vigilance Warrior/Knights will be immune to ALL the effects of your Jet Boost at that time.


You are better off eating the initial damage and then then using Jet Boost after you are no longer rooted. At that point, then you can get some separation from the melee attacker.


Now if they changed JetBoost so that when you used it, it removed all negative movement effects (just as the Sorc Sprint ability does), AND allowed it to override Unstoppable/Unremitting, then you might be on to something....

Would defeat the entire purpose of Vigilance/Vengeance. There would be literally no reason to spec anything but Focus.


Mercs/Mandos need more escape mechanisms and means to alleviate cast time dependency, not utility vs 1 spec that isn't even FOTM. Rocket Punch should provide a short knockback baseline, with talents adding root would be a good start.


Chance to make the next skill instant cast (once per X seconds) when being hit would also help a whole lot. Reduced damage from under stuns (a la PT's stabilized armour) would be just fantastic - I'm surprised that it isn't as wide spread as it should be among classes vulnerable to CC.

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