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Something like this would help TOR public relations a lot...


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its a good idea,,this is one of blizzards great strengths,,PR and customer relations


i wouldnt count on the same happening here though


i also wonder how much of the money would go to the poorer carribean states, instead of


a rich american family, who lost their beach condo

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It would have been cool if they launched the Cartel Market by having a certain percentage of the proceeds from the first couple of days go to charity/relief efforts.


You know, it's not too late, BioWare. ;)




This game is in the red the way it is. Lets have it get in the black first. Now if they did that next year for breast cancer month or take a month and say we are helping to fight cancer then your idea and a really good one.


Plus the second fiddle never gets the exposure that the first one did.

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Note that stunts like that also have the huge advantage of bringing back to the foreground the game


''You like seeing breasts ? Buy the ''Slave Princess Leia'' special costume, and we will donate 100% of the profits to the Breast Cancer Fondation''

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