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Anyone interested in skirmishes in outlaws den?


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Title says it all. I'm thinking 5v5s up to 10v10s. Depends on interest. No tournament or anything just some deathmatch style pvp in the open world. I say up to 10v10s because more than that can get too... Well, ilum style pvp. And that doesn't always seem that entertaining. What do ya'll think?
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Sounds nice, I was kinda wondering why there are hardly any battles there like FFA until you lose the mood to fight lol. I'm usually asleep during server events, but if there'd be something around noon EST I'd be there for some skirmishes, just for something different than those boring wzs. ^^ Edited by NRN_Hawk
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That's what I was thinking. Something different. Plus, we rarely get deathmatch type stuff because that isn't the objective in warzones and large scale world pvp events with 40+ people on each side is different. Perhaps this weekend we could get something going.. MSG me if anyone is interested
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Why dose everyone feel the need to organize OWPVP? I've been hanging out in the den for the past week and there have been some people coming thru. Not as many as I like but enough to keep it interesting.


Please dont think I'm putting down on your wanting to organize some PVP. I think it's a good thing, but if everyone would just get off the fleets we could have open world pvp everyday.



Anyways, I'm in for some down and dirty fighting. Hit up Allup N'yoas or Eboc. I'd be interested in doing it with either one and both can be a handfull.

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I 100% agree that if we all got off the fleets and out and about owpvp would be much better. Unfortunately, most people won't leave unless they know they're going to get action. I guess people don't like going around looking for trouble anymore? Especially if there's a chance they may never find anyone.


If there is action at the outlaws den regularly, then we may just pop in from time to time more often :)

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I just hit 50 last night, so I'd be down for this even though I don't know how effective I'd be since I'm still in questing gear. But I love open world PvP so I'd show up if it happens late in the evening. I work during the day.
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