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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Upgraded to i5 3570k Amazing Fps!!!


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Great CPU choice, OP.


Have you considered overclocking if you're willing to get an aftermarket cpu heatsink and work in the bios? 3570Ks overclock quite easily to well over 4ghz, a lot are capable of 4.5ghz on good airflow based coolers. Check your motherboard manual, you may have an easy auto-overclock option to gain some "free" extra performance. There's also TONS of guides to be found on what does what, safe voltages, safe temperatures, best coolers for the cost, etc.


And definitely keep your 6790 for now, new GPUs will be trickling out shortly. I actually run a 3570K @ 4.6ghz w/ a Xigmatek HDT-S1283 heatsink, a GTX 670 with a hefty overclock, 16gb DDR3-1600, 7200rpm HDD, Asus Sabertooth Z77, Win7 64bit, and you seem to be getting very similar frames to what I get, so save yourself the $400 and invest in a next generation video card. :)


Yea i thought about getting a venom voodoo cooler and overclocking, need to see if the fps boost would be worth it though from overclocking.

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If you are upgrading for just gaming an i7 will give no boost over an i5, but you will save $100 ona n i5 over an i7


Getting the i7 so I can utilize hyper-threading for streaming and recording game-play. Decided to knock $100 off the motherboard choice and get the i7 instead.

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