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The Succession


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The Succession


Tokitake and Hearth walked into the Blade base on Dromund Kaas, it was, like all Sith structures, vast and metallic


And Colder than you’d expect from such ‘passionate’ people


“I get the feeling your master didn’t invite everyone in the blade over for drinks and a story” Hearth whispered as they entered the main room, where her master, Ashtor’aa sat in the throne usually left for Draxzim


“Tokitake agrees” she whispered back


The Sith pureblood Raark sat by his master, glaring and smirking at the same time, looking as bloodthirsty as usual when a duel request appeared in her Cybernetic eye’s vision, she quickly declined, wiping the smirk off of Raarks face


“Apprentice, stand where you usually do”


Bowing slightly, Tokitake stood next to the now empty chair where her master once stood, Hearth, her Bounty Hunter and friend, standing next to her


Most of the Blade’s members were here, her fellow apprentice, most of the blades Dark Council


But Draxzim, of all people, was missing


“My fellow sith…” she started “I have called you all here to announce…”


She forgot the hunters, speaking of them… where were they?


“That Our Lord Draxzim… is dead” she said “His body now lies in its tomb in Korriban


There was both applause and mournful silence amongst the crowd, Hearth was silent alongside Tokitake, Draxzim had been… a good Lord

“What does this mean… master?” Tokitake asked as the crowd fell silent once more


Ashtor’aa grinned and held her lightsaber out, igniting both ends “It means, that you and I will Conquer this Galaxy… my apprentice” she said “But first, prove your loyalty to me, Kill that obscenity beside you, kill that bounty hunter and take your place at my side!”


Everyone looked at the now shocked pair as Tokitake’s head lowered and her Lightsabers ignited menacingly


---Hearth’s POV---

Really should have seen this coming, what was I doing hanging around a bunch of Sith again?


Oh right, the credits…


Still, I thought Tokitake would be different


Please… don’t do this Tokitake, please


---Ashtor’aa’s POV---

At last, her heart and spirit will be broken, without that pitiful Hunter to keep her sane the Dark Side will bend her to my will, make her into my loyal weapon


She might be different from most Sith, but power is power and all Sith will do whatever it takes to obtain it


Now Tokitake, kill that fool, Prove you are MY apprentice, my tool of destruction


Prove you are Sith!


---Tokitake’s POV---

Raark is gleeful, either ending would make him happy as blood would be shed


Hearth is scared but… he is also resigned, he expects I’ll kill him


My Master Ashtor’aa gleefully watching me, she thinks I’ll kill him as well


The others are… skeptical, they don’t know who will do what but it seems as though the Blade has been… divided by my masters decision


I hold my solid blue Lightsaber in front of me, aimed at my master, the other, a sharp crimson, hangs at my side




---Hearth’s POV---

W-Wait, what?


She… said no?


She defied her master, the chance at being a second-in-command of the whole damn galaxy?


For me!?


She… really is something special huh?

---Ashtor’aa’s POV---



How could she Defy Me!?


The one who trained her, the one who shaped her, who gave her power!?


Over a measly Bounty Hunter!?


If that is how she’ll be, I’ll keep her alive only to Gut that damned boy in front of her


How Dare he interfere with my plans!


---Tokitake’s POV---

“Then… you will die Tokitake” Ashtor’aa said as lightning began to arch around her “Those Loyal to Me, your new Emperor, Attack the Unloyal, Kill them all!”


“I will not allow a Tyrant to succeed Draxzim!” Drekssed shouted, his apprentices standing next to him with Lightsabers ready “I will protect my apprentices and bring you down!”


“Then you’ll die like all the rest!” Ashtor’aa yelled as the two of them clashed, sabers and lightning slamming against one another as they fought


“Hearth run!” I yelled “Please, Tokitake can’t lose you!”


“Like Hell I’m leaving you behind!” Hearth said as Ashtor’aa flung Drekssed into a wall, turning on the two of us next


“Loyal Subjects, the one who kills the Bounty Hunter will stand at my side for all eternity as my Apprentice, Who will take that Honor!?”


Many cheered, looking at the two of us like we were mere prey


I felt something Surge inside of me, and I started to growl


“No-one… will take… what is Mine!” I screamed, the force of it throwing all over them, even my former master back against the wall as I reached out “No-one Will Take Him From Me!!!!”


I grabbed the walls of the building with the force, Pulling them in and bringing the whole building down around us, with a sharp yank I brought the walls down, bringing them down on all of our heads, I kept pulling, until only a Jetpack could go fast enough to make it out


“Hearth, Go… Now!” I cried out


“What part of I’m not leaving you behind do you never seem to get!?” he yelled, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me along with him as he flew out of the now collapsing building


---Ashtor’aa’s POV---

Dead... killed by her, after she disgraced me in front of so many Sith

No… her boy toy couldn’t save her, and she couldn’t save him

I will NOT allow this!


---Tokitake’s POV---

Hearth rushed us into my ship and began to put passcodes into the main system


He wouldn’t know them, he wouldn’t know what to think of


He wouldn't think of his own name


“I’ll… take care of it… you should prepare your weaponry” I said as a tremor of anger shook me

She was still alive, and nearing the ship


“Yeah... alright…” he said, moving back from the system as I put in the code and flew us off the planet

She’s on the ship… she’s moving though the Airlock… slowly

I set a hyperspace jump, relock the system and act hurt; he grabs me and starts moving me to the medbay

We have to pass the escape pods to get there


“This one is sorry”


“For wha-“


I cut him off, pushing him into the only escape pod on the ship and seal the doors behind him, he starts slamming on the door but it doesn’t budge


He’ll be safe… even if I die to make sure of it



“She’s sorry… She’s so sorry”


“Toki, let me out, don’t do this!”


“Tokitake loves you… she loves you so much…”


“Toki!!!” He yells, slamming on the escape pod door as he’s launched to safety just as my master finally gets through the Airlock


“And now you die… but first I’m going to kill that Hunter right in front of…” she says, stopping as she takes in her surroundings “W… where is the bounty hunter?”


“If Tokitake aimed the ship correctly… he’s flying towards Balmorra…” I say, turning towards her “And we’re headed… for a sun in the middle of Republic space… in about five seconds”


She roars, lunging at me with her lightsaber “Damn you, I’ll see you dead for this, I’ll kill you!”


“You won’t… get the satisfaction of a kill!” I yell, holding my deactivated Lightsaber to my chest

I move my thumb and for once…

I don’t see red anymore


---Hearth’s POV---

I… I feel it, her death sweeps across me like a vicious tidal wave

I stop pounding the door on my escape pod as weep, she’s gone

Ashtor’aa dies too, I feel her last scream as the Fury Class Starfighter Tokitake was given flies into a sun

“Tokitake…” I whisper “… I’m sorry…”



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