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How has pvp actually gotten worse?


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Hahahaha. "get job". "be constructive". "Quit crying".


Seriously. HAHAHAHA all over your face. This game stays bad because of people like you.

Be constructive? Use facts? The devs dont give two ***** about our facts, common sense, and logical reasoning. So shut the **** up. No one cares that no one cares if Im leaving, and I'll just completely ignore that some of you are so full of yourselves that you actually think I posted this thread for you. I mean....for YOU? Dont make me laugh. I posted it for me. To get it off my chest and as a final toss to the devs to see if maybe they can catch the ball instead of dropping it like its on *********** fire.

Some of you people wouldn't know bad if it bit you in the ***. Is SWOTOR all bad? Heck no, they got a bunch of stuff right. But the stuff that is bad.....well.....its *********** awful, to put it kindly, and I am being kind.

They've had almost a year to listen and respond to their community. They have had almost a year to interact with us and communicate with us. They have had almost a year to correct/adjust the most complained about and disliked features in this game. You know what? Patch after patch, after *********** patch they get it wrong or implement things in some of the worst ways possible.

But go on telling me how Im generalizing. Go on telling me I'm bad. Continue telling me how good life in SWTOR is. I mean after all, the remaining 20% of the original population MUST be more right than the 80% who quit.:rolleyes:

God forbid if they actually read the forums and got the cold hard facts in GREAT DETAIL. Thats all they gotta do. I don't need to do anything more than generalize. This forum is absolutely brimming with details, specifics, data, and facts.......all of which the dev team has chosen to either completely ignore or simlpy not reaspond to. Why should I waste my time regurgitating the already existing specifics when I can spend my time ranting in generalizations and getting my disappointments off my chest? I can't think of one single microcosm of a reason.


Here are the only PVP facts that matters anymore(for me and likely many of those who left already):

The only pvp that occurs in this game, takes place in one of four WZ's. There is no other viable option. World pvp doesnt exist, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you. There is no arena for for a change of pace or venue.

4 warzones gets SO *********** BORING after the first 5,000 times that I'd rather go outside and watch my grass grow, even in the dead of winter.:eek:

Which leaves us with the main reason folks quit. It's not any *********** fun anymore and PvE is lame after a run through or 4. Its a predictable snooze fest that gets less and less fun with each character created.

The game simply had not created a fun pvp environment, worthy of most people time, hence why most of their original subscribers have left and not come back. I wish I would have been as smart as they were and not wasted another $15 on a dev team that simply doesnt get it or doesn't care to get it. I'm inclined to think its a double threat combo of both. Either way, money is going to another game and I am actively trying to make sure its not a BW or EA game. Yes....oh yes.....I'm spiteful like that.:p:D



Hey Ugly, I got 2 days left here but name reserving for PS2 goes into effect Wednesday for those who are alpha squad beta players. I'll try to remember to come back and toss ya my callsign to ya once i have it reserved. maybe we can hook up and PS2. :)

We'll see if my old brain remembers to do that. I could use the help, lol Im a bad in that game hahaha. More repetition I spose....

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