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Should the Jedi have joined the Mandalorian Wars?


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This probably belongs in Star Wars discussion, however Star Wars discussion has become Disney-buying-Lucasarts-discussion so I'll post it here.


I assume most people have played KOTOR or are at least aware of the Mandalorian Wars. So whats your verdict, was Revan right to fight the Mandalorians? Should the Jedi Council have got involved?


Personally I believe that Revan was right and the Council should have joined, thoughts?

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Both sides were wrong. The Jedi Council war overcautious while worlds burned but Revan leading his forces into battle resulted in a greater evil being unleashed in the Jedi Civil War and he played right into the Emperor's hands. Between the two sides, I'd say Revan's was the bigger mistake. The Council would have eventually joined the war to stop the Mandalorians.
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