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[Empire] The Dark Vengeance is recruiting!


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Website: http://www.tdvguild.enjin.com


About Us

The Dark Vengeance first formed in Star Wars Galaxies back in 2003 where we went on to become one of the most successfull guilds on the European server Farstar. Over the years the guild expanded into numerous MMOs including EQ2, WOW and LOTRO where we have also enjoyed good success.


We are a cosmopolitan guild made up of players mostly in their 20s - 30s, there are a few fossils amoungst us but the less said the better ;). We have no worries where you come from but we are an English speaking guild and that is the language used to communicate with our members.



The Dark Vengeance is a Casual guild that aims to experience end game content at a more relaxed pace. We strive to provide an enhanced gaming experience to our players through a fun, friendly community away from the pressures and demands some guilds often place on their members. We do not extend raid times or add raiding days, however we require some level of proffesionalism from our core raiding team members.


Apart from raids we offer casual PvP but we're currently recruiting a PvP Community Leader as we'd like to expand this aspect of our guild.


Progress status

EV, KP, EC, TC, TFB, S&V SM/HM Cleared

TFB NiM Cleared

TFB NiM Timed Cleared

S&V NiM Cleared

S&V NiM Timed Working on it ;)

DF HM Cleared

DP HM Cleared

Our current goal is to create a raid group consisting of like-minded people.


Who Are We Looking For Updated for December 12th 2013

The raiding team consists of long time members that have been raiding together for over a year in this game.


Our raiding team is especially looking for:


Sorc Heal: Low

Sorc DPS: Low

Assassin Tank: Closed

Assassin DPS: Closed

Jugg Tank: Closed

Jugg DPS: Low

Marauder DPS: Closed

Powertech tank: Closed

Powertech dps: Closed

Merc Heal: Medium

Merc DPS: Low

Operative Heal: Closed

Operative DPS: Closed

Sniper: Closed


We're currently looking for casual / semi-casual players who'd like to start/get back into raiding with easier content (DF/DP SM, TFB/S&V HM). Please post an application on the forums using the link supplied in this post so we can get to know you!


PvP Community

We're looking for a leader for our PvP community. A person applying for this position should be organised, communicative, dedicated to PvP and have the time to create a successful PvP team. PvP community leader would have an officer rank and full independece when it comes to PvP team related decisions (recruitment, PvP schedule etc.).

Please contact us in game (via whisper or a mail) if you feel you'd be a good fit for this spot.


People can also apply to join the guild as a social/casual member. There are no class/role/level restrictions for social applications.

In this, we are currently holding members 8 man raids on Sundays, but are looking to expand into 16 on Sunday if the numbers allow it.


Signing Up

If you are interested in becoming a member please complete our SWTOR application form which can be found [HERE ]. We will then contact you either in game or by email to let you know if your application has been accepted.


If you would like more information please contact me (Størm/Shafett/Fates) or any other member in game.

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  • 3 weeks later...


We're still open for players of all levels and classes who share our approach towards gaming and Star Wars Universe. We'd be especially happy to welcome people eager to participate in guild events such as speeder races, datacrone hunts, Pazzak turnaments and the like.


We're also in a process of creating a steady PvP group with premade WZs (regular), Ranked Warzones and World PvP Events.


For more information contact any of our members in game (In the "Who" WIndow type "The Dark Vengeance") or simply apply at tdvguild.org

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are now 5/5 TFB HM 1/4 EC NiM.


Our raiding team is complete, but we will concider exceptional application.

Recruitment is open for casuals who want to raid in sporadic raids and join our guild events.


See you ingame.



Edited by Sinbary
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***... I was in TDV on Farstar lol... My name was Incy then, a Trandoshian Jedi, but seems so long ago, I don't actually recall names of people :-), so I guess not many will remember me either :-).


Good luck, will be good to see you starting a rated team, there are so few left nowadays. See you around.


Teh Torn

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update to progress. We're currently 3/4 in EC NiM. Congratulations to the whole raiding team and all members who contributed. Keep it up guys!


Recruitment is open for casuals who want to raid in sporadic raids and join our guild events. We're also accepting PvP oriented players for our PvP teams.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Main raiding team recruitment is currently closed.


However we're still very interested in more casual players, enjoying the game at a relaxed pace and eager to join guilds social events.


Our doors are also open for semi-hardcore PvPers.

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Hi :D


Im an old WoW player but now ive moved to swtor :D


Ive played for a while on a PvE server, but a few days ago i found out that there was no PvP guilds, what so ever :/


So ill start playing on this server, but i dont know what class you guys need? I prefer playing dps or healer...


Hope i can join, just tell me what class you need.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Swushinator.


Sorry for the late reply, we do not consider applications directly on this forum. But if you're intrested still, go over to http://www.tdvguild.org and fill out an easy form to apply.


We are currently preparing for the expansion and with that want to strengthen our 8man raiding team with 1 more healer.

- The applicant should be an experienced healer, either in this game or an other simular mmo.

- We do not expect 100% attendency, but some activity is expected. Our current raiding team is close to 100% now and you'll be a part of a small group that knows each other extremly well.

- Voice Com. is mandatory. No need to speak.

Contact Sinbary/Nerigal/Størm/Shafett/Fates if you have any questions before you apply.


Our casual team is also looking to expand. This is a team of casuals that raids sporadic (mostly on Sundays) and we try to do 16man as often as possible with the more hardcore progression team as much as possible.

- Should be active outside of these raids as well as social and likeminded. We always bring our A-game to these raids. Contact Leefty/Sinbary/Nerigal/Størm/Shafett/Fates if you have any questions about these spots.

- Currently looking most for active mdps/healer/tank.

- Voice Com. optional and prefered. No need to speak


The ranked warzone team is also looking for dedicated PvP'ers. Tho the guilds main focus is PvE, most of the members do daily warzones premades and starting to get enough people to do rWZ. At the moment we are starting up 1 rWZ day to train and get to know eachothers strenght and weaknesses better. Be apart of something that has high focus within the guilds leadership. Contact Haymaker/Xaine/Sinbary/Nerigal/Størm/Shafett/Fates

- Should be atleast full WH.

- Must have basic understanding of each warzone

- Be a juggernaut tank,maurader dps or operativ/sorc healer.

- Voice Com. mandatory. Must have mic.


As we are a guild where most members are 20-40 years of age, we prefere the same age. But we do make exceptions to this.


We have a minimum of 3 days reply time on applications. If you have not heared anything within these days by either ingame mail, whisper or mail used in application, please contact Sinbary/Nerigal.

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  • 1 month later...

Recruitment update:

Our raiding team is looking for a tank! We're also looking into a possibility of 16m raiding, therefor we're concidering all applications at this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A small update, we hit the roadblock boss in TFB NiM last night and refused to give up and skip it as many others did ;) Got to 90% ish on kel'sara with 1 dps dead. So we'll be hitting it up again soon!


We're still in the lookout for 1 mDPS to join our raider rank, tho we're now looking for something that can join without much gear boosting. But don't let that scare you, if you have the skill and experience, but not the gear, give us a shout!


Also we have room for any nice, active players who wants to reek the benefits of a more hardcore raiding groups alts and off-raid days. So casuals, gogo apply!


See ya all when we get our heads out of NiM mode ;)

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Hi Corwin :)


We're still rolling the same way ;)

I'm Sinbary/Cordany Snakeeye, most remember me because my name was on most peoples armour :p

To bad we can't get a BH system running, or maybe Rycher would show up! Hehehe!

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A small update, we hit the roadblock boss in TFB NiM last night and refused to give up and skip it as many others did ;) Got to 90% ish on kel'sara with 1 dps dead. So we'll be hitting it up again soon!


We're still in the lookout for 1 mDPS to join our raider rank, tho we're now looking for something that can join without much gear boosting. But don't let that scare you, if you have the skill and experience, but not the gear, give us a shout!


Also we have room for any nice, active players who wants to reek the benefits of a more hardcore raiding groups alts and off-raid days. So casuals, gogo apply!


See ya all when we get our heads out of NiM mode ;)

Are you only looking for an mdps or would you take an rdps instead? Or have you found someone? I have a 72 geared sniper, pretty sure I can at least match marauders dps and beat most other mdps. Personal progress, cleared everything including 1/4 tfb nim, but know strategy for the rest.

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Hi mate.


We always consider good applications and never 100% closed for any type of raider/casual/pvp'er.

So we're currently discussing your application and you should have you're answer today around raid time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

We have opened 2 rDPS spots after the summer to strengthen our NiM raiding team. Specially looking for a Sniper and a Sorc. But feel free to apply mercs. We are mainly looking for NiM ready applications, but optimized 72 is not a must. If we think you'll fit in better in the guild as a sub 69 geared player with skills, we'll take you over any gear.


So go apply at http://www.tdvguild.org today!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Tho our raiding team is filled up, our "casual" part of the guild wants more people to play and chat with! Come be apart of one of the longest going guild on the server. Team and members are mostly pre-launch with vast amount of know-how to the game.


Just started? Don't worry, you won't be yelled at. We'll help you grow :)

Just came back? We got the best rust-remover on the server!

Just want a open home that won't kick you for going on a 2 month weekend? If we know your name, your a member for life ;)


What can we provide?

- Webpage with its own administrator

- Ventrilo with plenty of space for both you and your friends.

- Multigaming! We don't just play one game.

- Officers that ain't power hungry and will never miss use their position.

- Members that are mature and friendly.

- Healthy guild bank that sponsors events and evenings of drinking at the pub.


Contact your nearest TDV Officer for a nice chat or go to our webpage (http://www.tdvguild.org) to apply on web.


*Commercial ends with a beautiful girl sitting on the hood with the hansom guy sitting behind the wheel , saying "Join today!"*


Cya ingame :)

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