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Annihilation or Rage?


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I am a lvl 40 Marauder on Jedi Covenant trying to decide on my spec from now through 50. I tried out all 3 specs and liked carnage but felt it couldn't compare to the other 2. I like Annihilation's survivabilty and consistent damage, however I feel Rage can do more damage and has good damage reduction. I would like to hear from others to help me decide on which to choose
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Leveling to 50, I'd say go Rage just for the AOE damage (downing mobs will be quickest when questing).


Once you hit 50, I'd try both in lvl 50 PvP and see which one you like more. Lvl 50 PvP will be different.


I personally prefer Rage to Anni b/c DAMAGE.


But I play Carnage.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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Anni is starting to be played less with the increased damage of Rage in 1.4, but it is by no means uncompetitive. Carnage will always be vital due to the increase in predation speed; no ranked team that plans on winning will go in without one. I would just go with the one you find the most fun to play.
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I think that both are really great specs in PvP. Annihilation has better survivability and has great single target pressure (you can interrupt extremely often with charge and an interrupt on a 6 second cooldown) but does not do as much damage/burst as Rage overall. Annihilation cuts through Sage/Sorc healers (well, so does Rage, but you can't interrupt them as easily).


I often find myself switching between these two specs. I run this game at like ~4 FPS in Warzones, so it's easier to play Annihilation because a lot of damage comes from bleeds. Rage is still better, but sometimes I just get bored of playing it, and then I respec to Annihilation. I'm not a fan of Carnage (especially considering my framerate issues), so I can't comment on that one much.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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Rage is so much better with a healer, but Anni is bette solo. Find yourself a healer buddy and go rage, or go Anni for solo. No one is going to dispel you at those lower lvl pvp likely, so Anni should shine.


+1 absolutely need a healer, but afterwards it becomes a herpa-derp-fest of AOE trollololing. I switched a couple of days ago and suffice to say, that was pretty much the deciding factor in half the games I played. We were able to clear nodes ridiculously because of it, capping in CW, and defending for the win.

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