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Remove DMG, Healing, Protection from Scoreboard, Objective points only.


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Someone is opening doors in Voidstar, over and over. I'm CCing incoming people, generally along with someone else to give them the time. Who gets the points?


I'm healing the ball carrier in Hutt Ball: I've healed her enough now for 3 times her hit points. I flash-bang 5 enemy players, and we walk across the line together. Who gets the points?


One player runs for the turret while I intercept an incoming harasser, just long enough to get the turret activated. Who gets the points?


5 players are fighting for node control. I'm behind them as far as possible but still in range to heal. Too far for defensive points, somehow, but without me they would all die and we'd lose the node. Without them I'd be pwned in 5 seconds.


WZ PvP is a teamsport. Points and medals should be awarded on a team basis *primarily*, and bonuses for wins should outweigh the individual medals you can get in a match. Other than that the system is sorta halfway decent and I don't mind it so much.

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Or bioware could replace the objective column with "completed objectives". If you capped a turret you get one point, if you planted the bomb you get one point, if you defused a bomb you get a point etc and scoreboard should be sorted by default by those "completed objectives points" so people who actually won the warzone are first.


Seems like a neat idea to me on paper.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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