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Question for experienced PVE HM/FP tanks


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I agree with Kitru on this one. I have done a lot of tanking on my shadow but since turned him to dps and now tank on my Guardian. The shadows have an insane amount of threat control (try guardian tanking if you think shadows have a hard time keeping aggro).... which is ironic because they are also the squishiest!! Easiest to hold threat, hardest to heal when they got it!?


If they give you 2 GCD at the start of a fight, or at least wait 2 GCD before adrenals etc, you will never lose aggro, ever... or really unlucky. I use my taunts for EMERGENCY only. Theoretically, you should be able to hold threat without taunts. On the occasion that you mess up, or a boss mechanic is messed up.... you better hope you still have a taunt up your sleeve for such an occasion. Because if you don't, that generally means a wipe. If you already factor your taunts into your rotation...... then chances are they won't be there.


(project - slow time - FB - (if spare force and project is not off cooldown) DS - back into project - TKT) x rinse and repeat.


Pretty much the only rotation you will ever need.


On trash mobs, attack priority is always essential. Once again, if you keep this rotation up and group everyone (force pull), there is enough group threat in this rotation to hold a full group of 5 for as long as you want. DPS should be attacking the weak first and preferably the same target. If you keep your taunts up your sleeve, you may see a range or a random peel off for the healer (OR a silly sent will jump in on the wrong target, they always do), thats when your taunt or force pull come in handy. Get them back on you and continue with rotation. ALSO, a fully procc'd TKT works just as well as a taunt. With 3 stacks and you blast it at someone not hitting you, they will peel back to you 9/10. Unless the silly sent, described above, starts attacking them......


This was simply my answer to the OP, not contradicting anyone elses ideas on tanking. This is how i tank'd on my shadow and i was pretty good at it. Most of my guild, especially the healers, when they run with other tanks comment on how spoiled they were with me tanking. Its always hard to find "good" tanks.


Hope this helps.

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The shadows have an insane amount of threat control (try guardian tanking if you think shadows have a hard time keeping aggro).... which is ironic because they are also the squishiest!! Easiest to hold threat, hardest to heal when they got it!?


"Hard to heal" and "squishiest" aren't the same thing. A properly played Shadow is actually going to require the least healing from outside sources of the 3 tank classes thanks to their self healing. Shadows are only the "hardest to heal" in the sense that they have the largest hp variance pretty much entirely because they have the lowest K/E DR (though they have the absolute best Defense and Shield/Absorb which more than makes up for it). A bad healer is going to freak out when they see the Shadow hp fluctuating a lot more than that of other tanks. A good healer is going to simply realize what's going on and just get used to it.

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I'm not sure what your exact words are that you would like me to use to describe it, but you get my point.


I agree that their health fluctuates the most during heaving incoming damage, i don't mean they make bad tanks but as a reasonably competent healer.... they do make me sweat. Predictable spikes are a lot easier to manage then unpredictable. That may just be my noob healing....


Kitru, can you jump on to the balance dps thread. I would like to run an idea i had for project in the balance rotation and i enjoying reading you points of view and the math behind them.

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They've tried. They still don't manage to do it even when they don't have Guard. I actively challenge every DPS I run with to try and pull boss threat off of me without being idiots about it (re: not taunting just because they can), and I've yet to meet one that can actually do it. If you *have* to burn your taunt in the starting moments of a fight, you're doing something wrong as a Shadow. Our threat generation is more than enough to not need to do so.


I suppose I did generalise it a bit too much. But yeah as you said in a different post they can pull if they happen to crit on most of the opening attacks. I just might've been really unlucky in that combat sent critting on most opening attacks whenever I didn't taunt.


Still... better safe than sorry so I am going to keep that taunt in there :)

Edited by crazyBE
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