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World PVP: Imperial Fleet Droid Special Announcement


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HK 51 droid vendor will be in tatooine. Assuming this is to start griefing, ganking, and world pvp.


Why not make it a limited time per day spawn? Make an announcement droid for imperial fleet which will spawn in tatooine (random location maybe) and it will be avilable for 1-2 hrs per day (random hours). This will attract hordes of players to this location since everyone on fleet will get the announcement.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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As much as I want world pvp they dont know how to do it yet, too many people in the same space with skills going off strains the hell outa the system and the game ends up lagging something horrible, its what happened with illum, and the reason there is no large scale warzones. not saying its a bad idea but until they figure out how to deal with this problem in the hero engine we will have to wait for epic world pvp.
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