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Crafters Unite > Stop Crafting For Mats


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I was on the fleet when you said that exact thing. I forgot the exact name of the toon looking for Saih to craft him an item. But I clearly remember you typing that Saih was in your guild.

Just face it. You changed your name when your server merged with ours. due to most of the people on your old server not wanting to deal with you. Now that old and new people are use to your new names, people dont want to deal with you again.

You sir just have a poor rep as a crafter and as a player.


I also find it funny. that somebody with over 100 million in creds, maybe even 200. Complained enough to start this whole thread in the first place. Bout how competition was ruining his business.


BTW anybody have any popcorn, I ran out, and wish to continue enjoying this thread.


I have no reason to say Saih is in my guild. I have never said it and have no incentive to do so. I don't know who you think I was previously named, or even care what you thought about me. The server did not hate me, nor does it now. You do not speak for the server, just your self and maybe 2 of your friends. You have no rep at all and you talk about my rep? You don't even know how many people come to me for crafting. From the sound of your post, you are just jelly.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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so i got reported for telling you to not be certain things so i must say this nicely...Before you ever came to this server there were crafters crafting for your mats+tip. you want it to be not like that please join the server you said had the certain ban on doing so. Otherwise learn that your only hurting your business when you act greedy and try to over charge for certain things. None of us are hurting the economy I have friends who have 300+ mill credits currently and i can walk up to them and have anything your mats+ whatever tip i feel like or no tip at all. So seems to me the only one's business getting hurt is yours which would tell me your hurting it not everyone else. It's an economy and economies always fight over the best price of stuff. Heck i've been paid 400k tips for 2 enhancements that other people forcefully charge your mats + 100k fee just because i was the first of that enhancement that said tips greatly appreciated but not required.
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