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Smaller Guilds


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So we all know that there are a lot more smaller guilds around recently. If you are a member or a leader of a smaller guild that has PVE end game aspirations, lack infrastructure, & lack resources then maybe a guild merger is in your future.


Read all about us here on these forums by clicking here. The forum thread also has links to our website and other community features we provide.


Contact me in-game as Tindalos or leave a message on our website!

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I'm sitting in general chat on the Fleet and there is a discussion about all the crappy small guilds out there and how it's a waste to start a new guild this far into a game. If this is you or your guild is falling apart come check us out @ http://www.brightshield.com . We are welcoming guilds to come over build a stronger community than lots of smaller ones.



- Tindalos

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