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Why hasn't the Codex Entries been Completed?


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Greetings Bioware and Starwars Fans


I Just came back to the game recently and I am curious as too why Bioware has not bothered to Finish and complete the rest of the Codex Entries. It has been almost a year and still the same ones are missing.


I understand MMO's are a huge undertaking, and believe me I can sympathize and understand all the hard work put into such a large project, but I am also questioning why such a problem that should be pretty small that could be fixed with a little time and effort has been there since launch, is still there? Is the development team a very small now because of Cutbacks? or are you ignoring it to work on other things? or are you just being lazy? (Which I highly Doubt)


Again, I would of imagined that the Codex would of been complete by now (At least the starting Planets Codex should be done by now) but I see Bioware have done absolutely nothing with it other then deleting other entries to dumb it down.


It's Kind of Disheartening as a Starwars Fan who is really into the lore, because I had left this game originally because there was a lot of things still not finished yet. IE Codex, Lore Entries, End Game Content .ect .ect Perhaps a Developer could inform me of this as to why, or a Player with more knowledge on the subject and inform me of my ignorance.


Thank You my Friends for taking the time to Read this Post.




PS: Hell, I'm a 32 year old Canadian that has worked on Previous Free to Play MMO's in the past and has 14 years experience working with many different service development kits and world builders., if you guys don't have any people left to Finish the Codex Entries for SWTOR, you can hire me and I'll work for free and Finnish the Codex Entries myself.

Edited by trashyone
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Unlikely you'll get hired to work on the Codex, as you inexplicably cannot spell 'finish', and even capitalize the F, so it looks like you're proposing completing the Codex in the language of Finland. Good luck with that.
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Unlikely you'll get hired to work on the Codex, as you inexplicably cannot spell 'finish', and even capitalize the F, so it looks like you're proposing completing the Codex in the language of Finland. Good luck with that.


Greetings Moza,


You know most of the time people sometimes type pretty fast and accidentally hit the wrong key. In this case I accidentally hit the N key twice (Gee what a Horrible mistake) I have no problem with someone letting me know about a typo or a grammatical problem in a productive and useful manner, but I find little elitist Grammar Nerds like you deliver in the tone suggesting that making such a small and pointless mistake makes that person a complete idiot. Something I used to see when socially retarded 14 year old home schooled kid's do to other people in World of Warcraft.


You see, Most of us adults developed basic social skills in high school, and learned how to properly get our point across with others without insulting them, and sometimes in the real working world you may even find people that are not perfect. I hope one day in your development into a man, you learn how to communicate like most educated, mature people do in the real world, and realize you're talking to people not computers. I don't know if you were home-schooled or have no friends/life outside of the computer, but you really should work on your social skills, because if you don't one day someones going to punch you in the face, and give you a bloody nose.




Edited by trashyone
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I was merely making the point that a poor attention to spelling, capitlization and grammar would make you an absurd candidate for employment to work on the Codex - which is, after all, a repository of text. I'm not sure why you focus so much on social skills in your reply to me. I made no personal attacks, merely pointed out why you may in fact be inadequately proficient in the task you claim to be ideally suited for.


PS In spite of your editing, you still have one 'Finnish' in your OP.

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*snicker* Oh yes they are going to hire some random person on the forums. Yeah that is going to happen. :rolleyes:


Anyways the codexs are fully written, they are just unobtainable for one reason or another whether it be them being bugged or removed from the game before release. The numbers have just never been fixed.

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*snicker* Oh yes they are going to hire some random person on the forums. Yeah that is going to happen. :rolleyes:


Do elitist kids on this forum just make smarmy remarks to insult people on this forum or do they actually post anything relevant? FYI I know I wouldn't ever be hired on a forum, Bonehead. I was merely making an observation.


Both of you haven't even posted anything relevant other than the fact pointing out one spelling error which only a 5 year old would make a big deal out of and making smarmy remarks as if someone would be as stupid to look for a job on a games forum. I was polite and friendly in my post and asked some pretty simple questions that even a educated 12 year old could answer. Honestly if you don't have anything relevant to say and just want to post Elitist comments insulting people. Sorry I even bothered posting some simple questions.


I will speak to Bioware Directly, I can see why Bioware doesn't post in here.


******* like too Profligate on this Forum.

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They won't complete the codex entries because *shakes magic 8 ball*: You randomly capitalize the world finish in the middle of a sentence. Bioware is a Canuckistanian country, and they can't stand to see you butcher Canuckistanian English like that.


On a more serious note, what codex entries aren't finished?

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On a more serious note, what codex entries aren't finished?


Every single planet has one or more missing entries. For instance, there was a huge number of additional titles you could unlock that were all taken out, yet the 'gaps' for their codex entries remain, making the codex uncompletable for everyone. It's annoying for a lore-nut like me, and I can't wait until it's updated (by the appropriate members of BioWare's staff).

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I will speak to Bioware Directly, I can see why Bioware doesn't post in here.


Lol, good luck with that.


On a more serious note, what codex entries aren't finished?


All of them are finished, just some of the entries were removed for one reason or anther and the in game codex never had the numbers corrected. So there will be instances where the game says there are 15 codex entries in a category available on a planet, but only 10 of them will actually be obtainable. The worst category is titles thanks to the Great Title Purge before release, but it is a broader problem then that.


Bioware is aware of the problem and I think they mentioned that they are looking at ways of fixing it which may include either adding some entries back in or just fixing the numbers so that the codex doesn't show you missing unobtainable entries.

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The worst category is titles thanks to the Great Title Purge before release, but it is a broader problem then that.


Ah. Yeah. I didn't realize Bioware didn't also adjust the codex entries when they took out all those titles. Did they ever address the logic (or lack thereof) behind the title purge?

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Ah. Yeah. I didn't realize Bioware didn't also adjust the codex entries when they took out all those titles. Did they ever address the logic (or lack thereof) behind the title purge?


Don't think so.....probably because most people are unaware it even happened. I think the reasoning was probably that they thought there were too many titles and it just ended up diluting the impact of each individual title, but that is just a guess and could be completely wrong. *shrug*

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