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Revan's Legacy (RL) is Recruiting Mature Imperial Players


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Revan's Legacy (RL) have our origins over 7 years ago in the Matrix Online. After that game went offline in 2009, we transitioned from our former name Morpheus' Legacy to Revan's Legacy , and retained most of our core members for the two-year transition to SWTOR.


In SWTOR, we ended up on the Helm of Graush server, and eventually ended up on Pot5.


We are a fairly mixed Guild with a variety of members... those hardcore ones who play everyday to casual members who are in it for fun. We participate in all PvP and PvE content. Currently, we are building Rated War Zone Teams with some of the server's best PvPers. We also have an RP story behind our Guild and what we stand for. That being said - we don't require active RP in game, and see no reason to be on a RP-PvP server.


RL has many resources - multiple high end crafters, experts in every class, guild bank, vent server, and an extensive website www-revans-legacy.com.


We do not mass recruit. We encourage potential applicants to explore our site and see if they think a great fit can be made. Then a brief application process to get to know the prospective member. We like our members to engage together and not wonder who someone is in the Guild. That is not our idea of community!


If you are interested, please check out the links in my signature.



RL Council Overseer

Edited by Madbent
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One of the reasons our group exists is because of the brave step Revan took in defying the Jedi Council oh so long ago. over the years our group has gather wisdom like Revan's actions.


Here is one tidbit.


“All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.”

― Aristotle, Selected Works

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Very glad to announce Daigo joining RL as our PvP Officer, and our other new amazing members:












Welcome to all of you!

Edited by Madbent
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Banegen~Level 1 Sith Warrior (Soon to be Jugg, My Main)

Rekleytta~Level 14 Bounty Hunter (Powertech, My Alt)


Hey, I'm a mature player who just wants to have fun and play SWTOR with some friends and people who I can have fun with. :) I feel like gameplay is much more fun with a guild and I would LOVE to contribute. In groups I can contribute as a tank as such if that means anything to you. Thanks for the consideration,




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Here is some more bits of Wisdom loved by Revan and his followers


Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.

Bruce Barton

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Ok. I am extremely interested in join this guild. I have NEVER joined a guild ever in this game nor do I have anyone to play with. I am a lvl 55 assassin "Cherubi" is my characters name. Please message me I will be on now!


I have gone to the site for over an hour and have repeatedly try to register but no matter what answer I put in for the questions it makes me restart the process because it says my answer is incorrect. I think I know who the apprentice of Revan was....Malak. Please send me in game message or on here at least. Please thank you so much I will be on now!

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