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Sorc./Sage and lightsaber


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I thought of something, perhaps really nothing new to you.


I've thought it would be nice and really cool if Sorcerers/Sages also could have/equip double-bladed lightsabers. That proficiency could be something you could buy with cartel coins or buy at the legacy perks. But with that, make some new rare and some of the same attacks as Assasin/Shadow has. Make it special, make it more funnier to play with. And get some changes in skill tree too.


Wait up here now.. "But with that, make some new rare and some of the same attacks as Assasin/Shadow has" what now? How do you mean? I mean make small or big changes by your abilitys/attacks. You can do some attacks as the Sorc./Shadow can, but adding some or one new attack to it all. That has good dps.

But perhaps by this make some of your healing stats less great in compensation for to do some burst dps while you still can heal.


Or make it quite the opposite, Assasins/Shadows can be granted one healing ability. Or two. But drag down the burst damage stat, so no one can be so ****** op.


Is this understandable? Or are my meanings, english a whole big mess?

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Just a thought, like that you get use other abilitys for a moment with the Heroic Moment.


So you're saying you want the sage to be the assassin..


You realise the whole point of those two being different classes is the word different? How would a sage use force abilities if it it using both hands to hold to hold onto a lightsaber?

Edited by iamnotacrook
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I thought of something, perhaps really nothing new to you.


I've thought it would be nice and really cool if Sorcerers/Sages also could have/equip double-bladed lightsabers. That proficiency could be something you could buy with cartel coins or buy at the legacy perks. But with that, make some new rare and some of the same attacks as Assasin/Shadow has. Make it special, make it more funnier to play with. And get some changes in skill tree too.


Wait up here now.. "But with that, make some new rare and some of the same attacks as Assasin/Shadow has" what now? How do you mean? I mean make small or big changes by your abilitys/attacks. You can do some attacks as the Sorc./Shadow can, but adding some or one new attack to it all. That has good dps.

But perhaps by this make some of your healing stats less great in compensation for to do some burst dps while you still can heal.


Or make it quite the opposite, Assasins/Shadows can be granted one healing ability. Or two. But drag down the burst damage stat, so no one can be so ****** op.


Is this understandable? Or are my meanings, english a whole big mess?


Sages/Sorcerers are long range DPS, and you want to give them some more melee attacks and duo-sabers?

If you want to play a melee class, you should have picked Shadow/Assassin or Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior.


Lightsabers on a Sage/Sorcerer are for defensive purposes. Just because you have a melee attack doesn't mean you should be running into melee range to use it. Save it for when enemies close distance with you, and even then, you should only be using your melee attack when you're low on power and letting it build up a bit by using a non-power consuming attack instead of standing around like a tool.


Every class does not need heals. If you are miffed over your PvP experience, changing the way classes work isn't going to help you. Perhaps the class you picked is just not right for you.

If you're getting your butt handed to you on a constant basis, get used to it. It happens often in PvP. The people that play there almost non-stop have got all their elite PvP gear and are steamrolling everytime they come into a BG. Get used to that, too.


PvP is a pain in the butt, from all angles.

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Sages/Sorcerers are long range DPS, and you want to give them some more melee attacks and duo-sabers?

If you want to play a melee class, you should have picked Shadow/Assassin or Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior.


Lightsabers on a Sage/Sorcerer are for defensive purposes. Just because you have a melee attack doesn't mean you should be running into melee range to use it. Save it for when enemies close distance with you, and even then, you should only be using your melee attack when you're low on power and letting it build up a bit by using a non-power consuming attack instead of standing around like a tool.


Every class does not need heals. If you are miffed over your PvP experience, changing the way classes work isn't going to help you. Perhaps the class you picked is just not right for you.

If you're getting your butt handed to you on a constant basis, get used to it. It happens often in PvP. The people that play there almost non-stop have got all their elite PvP gear and are steamrolling everytime they come into a BG. Get used to that, too.


PvP is a pain in the butt, from all angles.


It was just a thought. It was not about if i picked a wrong class to play at pvp and pve.

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The idea of giving double-bladed lightsabers to sorcerers and sages to do melee is bad for balance purpose.


Firstly, unless Bioware give back melee bonus to them, it is pointless to try to fight in melee, it would be like fighting with a wet noodle because the only origin of melee damge would be strength that doesn't exceed ~200.


Then when they get melee bonus back on Willpower, if they use double-bladed lightsabers, it would mean that with equivalent stats, their melee powers would have the same raw power (unlike if they couldn't use double-bladed lightsabers). But reality is that with talents they get more Willpower, the gear provides them more offensive stats (more power/crit/surge) since they don't use accuracy, and so melee attacks from Sorcerers and Sages would have a higher raw power than Shadow's and Assassin's ones.

As a result, apart from tank spec and stealth mechanic, Shadows and Assassins would become obsolete, especially in Balance/Madness specs.

Edited by Altheran
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