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Focus Modifier and Focus Frame


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Please let us use shift/ctrl/alt as a focus modifier.


The current set-up is very clunky and unnatural. You have to bind a key such as A to be the focus modifier and then use another bind as an interrupt. Example: A+R to focus interrupt.


The focus modifier could be added to Preferences->General Tab under the option to turn your focus frame on as opposed to where it is now in keybindings.


I would also like to see keybinds bypass the focus modifier if they already use shift/alt/ctrl.


Example: Say you have shift as your focus modifier and R as your interrupt. Shift + R would be your focus interrupt. But say you want shift + D to be an attack. You would still be able to bind shift + D to an attack, but you wouldn't be able to use that attack on your focus target without actually having that target as your main target.


Macros would make this problem even easier, but I understand you don't want macros in the game.


There should also be an option to turn off the reticle for your focus target. This isn't as bad for a pure dps, but for classes that have to switch targets between allies and enemies, the reticle looks too similar to an ally target reticle.


I would also like you not to lose a target when you set someone to focus. Currently, if you set your target to focus, it detargets your target, forcing you to retarget with another keystroke. Just bad design imo.


These small changes would really improve the focus frame. It is nice that it works now and doesn't bug out on abilities like it used.

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