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Suggestion: Color crystal update


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I posted this on the PTS board, but thought it could benefit from being posted here for a more involved discussion. It's likely been mentioned before, but bears being brought up again given the updates in 1.5 and some comments by the Devs.


There has been some discussion with regards to the color crystals on the Cartel store and their impact (real or imagined) on the game once 1.5 goes live. I won't detail all of the pros/cons/math people have been using to justify their stance on the matter. If you're curious, you can bounce over to the PTS boards and wade through that yourself. :D




An idea was floated during the Beta that would be a good compromise all around, without gimping Artificing. I think someone else also mentioned it in another thread on the PTS forums in the last day or so, which shows that there is some interest in this possible solution.


Take the stats off of the color crystals altogether. This way people can use whatever colors they want from those available (barring any class/alignment/level restrictions, etc..) without worrying about gimping themselves. To replace the lost stats, BioWare creates a new crystal (or whatever they want to call it) that replaces the stats, and adds a new socket to the weapons and offhands that use them.


One benefit of this is that those who pre-ordered the game will now see some lasting value granted to their pre-order color crystals, as will the folks that bought the Razer peripherals and were awarded their own color crystals.


Artificers would not only be able to craft the color crystals, they would also be able to craft the new 'crystal' that could be replaced using the current level gates on color crystals, or however BioWare wants to set it up.


A level gate could also be implemented on certain colors if needed, but probably isn't necessary. Perhaps limit certain colors to Prototype quality to encourage F2P players to purchase the Cartel authorization option, with the rest spread out between the green/blue rarity based on how hard it is to obtain the schematics and materials. Or just make most colors the standard green quality, and the more unique or esoteric colors as Prototype to encourage the Cartel upgrade.


Yes, this would create a significant amount of work for the devs, but in the end would solve the current dilemma over color crystals and their perceived balance flaws. By separating the color and the stats, you give players the choice of what color they want to use, and what stats they want to enhance, without tying the two together.


I'm sure there are probably ways to tweak this further, but it's an idea that can be used to come up with a system that both works for the purpose of giving players a choice, and avoids neutering Artificers in the process.

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