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Classes in Demand


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well, tanks and heals are in higher demand than dps, but as for specific classes....


my advice would be to try each basic class a few levels for the story, as it is the most touted quality of SWTOR, and pick a class whose story seem engaging to you. Then from that class, you'll have for sure one of the advanced class that will be able to either heal or tank, you can pick that one if you want the versatility of switching role.


But pick a class whose story you think you'll like.

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It depends on what you plan to do at endgame.


PVE: Really any class will be viable, but assassin/shadow will be tank only and operative/scoundrel will be a healer only as their DPS isn't on par with other classes.


PVP: Most classes are viable here as well, although mercenary/commando is going to be turned away from a lot of the top teams as well as DPS sorcerer/sage and DPS operative/scoundrel. The most in demand classes will be carnage/combat and rage/focus specced marauder/sentinel, rage/focus juggernaut/guardian, pyrotech/assault powertech/vanguard and operative/scoundrel healers.

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It depends on what you plan to do at endgame.


PVE: Really any class will be viable, but assassin/shadow will be tank only and operative/scoundrel will be a healer only as their DPS isn't on par with other classes.


PVP: Most classes are viable here as well, although mercenary/commando is going to be turned away from a lot of the top teams as well as DPS sorcerer/sage and DPS operative/scoundrel. The most in demand classes will be carnage/combat and rage/focus specced marauder/sentinel, rage/focus juggernaut/guardian, pyrotech/assault powertech/vanguard and operative/scoundrel healers.


I'm sorry to call you out on this but everything I bolded is either Bull or questionable.


PvE: Sin/Shadow dps is perfectly fine in pve for one it of course requires people to not be retarded. Scoundrel/Operative dps is viable also it is just that they're really rare because they're not a faceroll class like the general community of this game prefers.


PvP: Mercs/Commandos are the most tanky healers in pvp and work very well in ranked pvp as well as their knock back is amazing in huttball when it comes to grabbing the ball from mid right when it respawns. I would never say Focus Sentinels/Marauders are in demand because Focus is just a aoe dps spec and brings little to no utility into pvp. I'd rather have a Combat Sentinel on my team over a Focus spec any day. Leave Focus to the guardians. Sage/Sorc bring extra utility as well as solid ranged dps in pvp. Operative/Scoundrels bring excellent single target dpswhich is really nice for taking down a healer as well as having the ability to CC people and also ninja nodes.


The only thing I will agree with you about is that merc/commando dps is just not desired for pvp at all just like Vangaurd tanks they are generally useless to have on your team because their utility is minimal and Guardians are just overall MUCH better than them.


All in all people who actually put in the little bit of effort in the game to improve themselves make these things work. You can't base your entire opinion of a class off some random noob who doesn't know how to work his class well.

Edited by Daskillz
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Classes in Demand: Tanks.


I dont think there is any question about that. My wife plays a healer and I play a tank, we have queued up solo at all hours of the day and night and her average wait times are nearly triple mine.


Prime Time my queue times are: 0 seconds

Prime Time her queue times are: ~1 minute


Off Prime Time my queue times are: ~5 minutes

Off Prime Time her queue times are: ~15 minutes


When we queue together we always get an instant queue pop, no matter what time.


Guilds, on the other hand, generally already have estiblished tanks, and are usually looking to recruit very talented DPSers or any healer they can get their hands on. So for end game content (outside of the Group Finder) you may have a hard time finding a spot in a guild as a tank.

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Speaking Endgame only and this is only my opinion as of 1.4:


Role - Class - my opinion as to why

Tank - Powertech/Vanguard - Heavy armor and easier threat generation than a jugg/guardian

Healer - Any healing class is good in end game PvE - If you'd like to have the best AoE healing roll sorc/sage.

mDps - marauder/sentinel - high sustained dps with adding a group utility with bloodthirst/inspiration

rDps - any range dps is good at end game (op lethality is possibly the only exception but I've never tried it)



Role - Class - my opinion as to why

Tank - jugg/guardian - specifically speaking - huttball ball carrier, solo node defender, and healer guardian, assassins/shadows are 2nd best tank in pvp. I put jugg/guardian first because of their mobility in huttball but assassins/shadows have stealth.

Healer - any healer is good but some have more advantages than others sorc/sage - pull/knockbacks/swift run, op/scandrel - mobility/survivability/cc, and merc/commando - survivability/knockbacks

mDps - any melee dps (as of 1.4) is good except concealment operative/scrapper scoundrel

rDps - any range dps except merc/commando due to their interuptability

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This is such a hard question to answer because flavor of the month changes often in this game, and from update to update. I wouldn't necessarily level a class just to be "in demand"; I would level a class to have fun and enjoy the game. The "in demand" will follow, and once you hit 50, there is generally a spec you can specialize in to find a niche end game.


My break down on classes from a PVE perspective:

- Guardian/juggernaut - both tank and DPS is viable

- Sentinel/Marauder - viable and usually desired at least 1 per Ops Group

- Scoundrel/Operative - DPS isn't really desired end game IMO, but healer spec is very viable. DPS spec can work, but if I'm putting a HM run together, I'd rather fill that spot with another DPS class.

- Gunslinger/Sniper - very viable end game PVE as ranged DPS

- Sage/Sorcerer - viable as ranged DPS and heals. I personally prefer to have at least 1 sage in my Ops Group as a healer for the higher end runs (HM Denova, HM TfB etc)

- Shadow/Assassin - viable as melee DPS and very viable as tank

- Commando/Mercenary - very viable as ranged DPS and Healer

- Vangard/Powertech - viable as melee DPS (I classify them as melee because they require close-quarters for most of their damage) and very viable as tank.


As you can see, most classes will work for any of the content; people have different flavors they like as far as party makeup, or classes they like to have, but you should be able to find a place in a group no matter what class you level.


My advice? - Find out what you enjoy playing, and play that.

Edited by Sitherall
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My advice? - Find out what you enjoy playing, and play that.


This above all else.


I would rather have someone who is comfortable with their class, and excells at what they do, over someone who is just playing the Flavor of the Month and may not know that class very well.


I suppose a good example for me would be the Shadow tank. In some situations Shadow tanking may be more optiomal than a Powertech tank, but as I am much more comfortable with Powertech tanking, I feel I make a better tank as a Powertech over the Shadow, even though someone who excels at playing a Shadow may outtank me. Its all a matter of preferance and ability to control your character in a smooth and optiomal way.

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This above all else.


I suppose a good example for me would be the Shadow tank. In some situations Shadow tanking may be more optiomal than a Powertech tank, but as I am much more comfortable with Powertech tanking, I feel I make a better tank as a Powertech over the Shadow, even though someone who excels at playing a Shadow may outtank me. Its all a matter of preferance and ability to control your character in a smooth and optiomal way.


This is spot on - Technically, the best tank in the game is Shadow/Assassin IMO - but there are also more BAD shadow/assassin tanks out there than other classes; and on the other side, sometimes people don't like guardian/juggernaut tanks for PVE but one of the best tanks i've ever played with is a Guardian;


Play what you like/enjoy, and learn to play it well. Getting into groups, guilds and being "successful" in end game content will follow.

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