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10 small things that would improve SWTOR


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First, by small I don't necessarily mean easily done. I just mean as opposed to big changes such as additional pvp warzones, flashpoints, operations, and significant changes in gameplay. These ideas are more of the quality of life category. Basically this is a fantasy. If I could wave a magic wand, this is what I would change.


1. Day/Night cycles and weather effects.

While the art design on most locations is stellar, most planets feel a bit stale. I largely attribute this to the lack of day/night cycles and weather. I for one would love to see Coruscant at night, a thunderstorm on Voss, or a sandstorm on Tatooine. The beauty of this game is that each planet would have its own cycle, some could be 24 hours, others could be even days of sun/night. I feel that this small change would go a long way to making each planet feel alive.


2.Multi companions

I loved the interplay that companions had in Dragon Age: Origins. This is something I miss in SWTOR. Companions talking to each other is pretty rare in this game. It would be nice if there were occasions where we could summon up to 3 of our other companions. This wouldn't be something that we could always do, just in certain situations. A solo flashpoint for example. Having this ability during some of the class stories would make each storyline that more epic, especially the finale.



There's a series of dwellings perched on a cliff in Tatooine that I would love to have the ability to buy and hang out in, in-game. A place where I can bring friends and chill with my companions. Each planet would have a real-estate agent where you can buy housing, as well as furnishings to fully customize it. These little things often extend the life of a game for many players.


4.Custom Armor/Weapon crafting

One of the great things about this game is the custom armor available. I feel that this is one of the things that seperates SWTOR from other MMOs. I would like to see it pushed further. I think it would be great if we could craft our own gear (bound to legacy) designed to look the way we want it. I envision a menu much like the character creation menu where we have a variety of different skins that we could combine to create the look we want. I for one would like to create a skimpy costume for one of my male character, but sadly such an outfit isn't in game. Now it could be.


5. Adaptive Armor

While on the subject of gear, I'd like to see all custom armor become adaptive armor. The type of armor would be determined by the mod placed in it. I like the traditional jedi robes (hood and all) but some might want to deck them out in trooper gear. And most custom armor could be worn by companions, making them as customizable as your main character.


6. Events and Holidays

I'd like to see more world events and some regular holidays. I would not go the WOW route and have holidays that mirror American holidays. Most of these holidays would be planet specific. Say "Trading Season" on Tatooine, where the jawas gather and sell rare items, armor, pets, mounts, ect. They would have a small mission hub and a mini flashpoint where you can earn emblems to buy even more exotic in-game items. This would go a long way to make the game feel more alive.


7. Custom Ships

Like armor it would be cool if we could customize our ships both inside and out. Dark side jedi could have a ship that is decidely less zen-like than the current one, while a light-sided sith could have a much less grim place to call home.


8. No more elevators and better travel

The only thing I truly hate about this game is the plethora of elevators in every location. I have probably spent more time waiting for the elevator on Hoth than I have in combat on that planet. They don't have to go away, but a simple button would be great so we can call it and move on. In a similar vein, a much shorter cooldown on Quick Travel would be great (or even none at all). I realize that many of the developers want us to explore their beautiful creations, but wow can it be annoying to have to clear a massive cave again just to turn in a mission, which probably could've been turned in via holo, given the tech in this game.


9. More interactive NPC's and random vendors

Unless the NPC is a mission giver there's no interaction possible. This is a mild dissapointment. We hear them talking in the background (nice touch btw) but we can't interact with them. It might be nice if we clicked on an npc for them to talk to us for a bit, nothing big, but a sort of "what do you want," or "I've got to get my buns in the oven before the old man gets home" kind of thing. A random conversation as an easter egg would be cool too, maybe even a couple of secret missions. It would also be nice to have random vendors scattered around each planet selling the occasional schematic, crafting material, adrenal, and such. What they sell would be random and they would come and go on a cycle. It might be nice to be able to pick up a Krayt Dragon Pearl from some other means than a crafting mission or the GTN.


10.Guild Housing

It sorta goes with player housing, but it would be great if each guild could have a hub for players to chill out. Guilds could buy a cantina or even a capitol ship. The guild housing would be customizable and a place for them to spend massive credits on services like vendors, repair, GTN kiosks, trainers, bank vaults, ect. I believe this would interject to much needed life into many guilds.


Anyhoo, thats my 2 cents. I want to say, I love this game and feel Bioware has done an awesome job.Sure there are issues, but what MMO is issue free?

Edited by jpopalisky
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Player Housing:

I don't think you understand the concept of the ship you get. The player ship were added in to be player housing. I played SWG for a very long time and the housing system and placing houses in zones would cause mass lag for others and strain on systems on there server side. Remember guys this isn't SWG nor it will ever be.


Multi Companions:

Doing this would take away the player to player fun. The game may have ALOT of single player fun in it and the missions are like a single player action. Do not let this fool you it is still a MMO and such the system that is in place is fine. Some MMOs do not have companions and you completely rely on other players to help you. So be greatful you have a companion to hang with in game while you fight. Some people think the healing companion takes away from skill as a tank or dps player or a tank companion takes away from a healer player of there skills as well.

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1. No, these planets have certain times that they happen.

2. Oh god yes, I'd love to do that. I like to solo play so it would be nice to have a tank and healer out while I dps. or a dps/healer when I tank, or a tank/dps when I heal. Also, I'd love for my character to respond to companions.

3. You live on your ship.

4. I'm okay with this.

5. Also okay with this.

6. There are star wars holidays, Life Day, Festival Of Love, Durni Day, Etc. Life Day is coming to TOR this year.

7. Ehhhh no. They coded ships already with cutscenes and interactions, I wouldn't want them wasting time to change all that to new ships.

8. Eh, I'm fine with this, I mean the game is beautiful already. Unless the elevators become like galaxies were "You are already on the lowest floor" I have no problem with it.

9. I'm okay with this

10. I'd love a guild ship.

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Player Housing:

I don't think you understand the concept of the ship you get. The player ship were added in to be player housing. I played SWG for a very long time and the housing system and placing houses in zones would cause mass lag for others and strain on systems on there server side. Remember guys this isn't SWG nor it will ever be..


Oh I do understand that the ship is a substitute for housing. I'm just saying it would be cool to have something on the ground too. The beginning of my OP I state that this is just a fantasy, I'm not focusing on the technical aspects of whether it can be done. Put another way, if I had millions of dollars and the technical know-how (plus permission from LucasArts) these are things I might have included. Everyone would have their own list. And I played SWG for about an hour total.


Multi Companions:

Doing this would take away the player to player fun. The game may have ALOT of single player fun in it and the missions are like a single player action. Do not let this fool you it is still a MMO and such the system that is in place is fine. Some MMOs do not have companions and you completely rely on other players to help you. So be greatful you have a companion to hang with in game while you fight. Some people think the healing companion takes away from skill as a tank or dps player or a tank companion takes away from a healer player of there skills as well.


Again, I mentioned that most (roughly 98%) of the content should be single or even better grouped. It's just that BW went to great lengths to give our companions depth and personality that it would be nice to take some more along, especially during certain class missions and maybe a solo-mode FP. IMO this would mix things up a bit from the usual healer companions for non healers and tank or dps for healer characters.

Edited by jpopalisky
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Again, I mentioned that most (roughly 98%) of the content should be single or even better grouped. It's just that BW went to great lengths to give our companions depth and personality that it would be nice to take some more along, especially during certain class missions and maybe a solo-mode FP. IMO this would mix things up a bit from the usual healer companions for non healers and tank or dps for healer characters.


I could totally see this working. Class story or FPs for multiple companions, hell the trooper and BH story line has you actually use ALL your companions in a few of the stories and I LOVED IT. It gave so much variations.


It would be awesome to be able to roll around in those stuff how you want and have multiple companions out to gave affection for them.


As it stands I honestly think people mainly stick with their Love Interest out or Healer or tank, not using any of the others.


I can tell you I did this, wish I could of had other companions but they weren't needed. I totally would of loved walking around with two companions that didn't like each other.


Pierce and Quinn for example, walking around with those two would probably be like Alistair and Morrigan.

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