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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Lightsaber abililty


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Its basically a dodge ability with a follow up attack.


However the animation adds a sense of more control with characters to have access to certain iconic abilities.


Without a further a due, I present:


The ability to turn off the light saber in mid fight, to trick the enemy and then switch it back on as an attack.


This trickery has not been named yet for the ability. I leave that humbly to swtor devs to use this great powerful ability responsibly and to not name it something too epic or there might be too many rerolls for Jedi knights or sith warriors.


You are welcome community.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Actually it has been named, the trakata form of combat uses saber techniques like this, and I think what you're talking about is a move called "passing the blade". It's not too common but there is info out there on it.


My teachings have spread after several encounters showcasing the superior technique. It is only natural that other incorporate something superior to their style.


However, I would like to see it incorporated in swtor, and not by other imitators who lack the finesse to properly illustrate mastery of the saber.

Edited by VegaPhone
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