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Am I the only one who thinks the vanguard is underpowered and need a bit of a boost when i comes to do damage. If you look at attacks like snipers ambush, jaggernauts ravenge, assassins maul. this attacks dose so much damage that you will have to have 3 impact bolts to compare it or at least 2 and a half impact bolt. And this a feel is a bit wrong thats someone thats ten levels lower then me can do damage over 2000 that i never hit with my vanguard. any thoughts on this pls share them:mad:
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I play tactics at level 50. I would categorize the damage as "face melting."


All that being said, tactics isn't very good before level 40. Havoc Training and Fire Pulse will really help you out. But tactics is really more about mobility, control, aoe, and energy management. If it's big numbers that you are after, give assault a try. Spec into ionic accelerator. Try to get a high impact bolt and sticky grenade to hit at the same time. Other players will curse your name. And when you get assault plastique you'll just giggle uncontrollably.


If I were to do it all again, I'd stick with assault until level 40. Then swap specs and try all three to see what you like most.

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As the poster above said - go Assault until about 40, then tactics IMO. I loved leveling my vanguard DPS (changed him to a tank at 50 though out of necessity for guild) but Vanguard deals plenty of damage if played right. In fact, once you hit 40, you should almost be unstoppable in PvP matches where assaults are being done (civil war, voidstar, navarr coast etc). Huttball is a totally different animal. You can do really well in there, don't get me wrong, but the objectives are a little different.


I would argue that Vanguard DPS sub 50 PvP is a little Overpowered. but i'm not complaining.

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I'm lvl 49 bout to hit 50 and i'll tell ya what, assault even at lvl 50 does a truckload of damage. especially when you can toss out a sticky then assault plastique with plasma cell going then trigger HiB. Can melt some hp off.


I think assault spec can still do some AMAZING damage above lvl 40.

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Let me put it to you this way: even at lvl24 (i.e. sub-50 PvP), I consistently get 200k+ damage in a WZ with my Vanguard, playing almost solely for objectives / healerstomping (next in line is almost always 100k+ less than me). 90% of the enemies I face in a WZ are higher leveled than me, so it's not that I'm over-leveled compared to the competition...I'm actually kind of underleveled.


And this is WITHOUT Ionic Accelerator procs, the crazy bonuses at the top of the tree, and Assault Plastique. I'd probably get an extra 50-100k with those extra bits.


Of course, WZ stats (especially sub-50 PvP) mean very little, but rest assured Vanguard DPS is second only to Sentinels. So I would stick with it. Assault's slightly better than Tactics (especially at lower levels), but they both start causing insane carnage come level 40 and beyond.

Edited by ezrafetch
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I wouldn't really put much faith into pre-50 results for the very reason that a lot of people don't really know what they're doing. I see keyboard turners, melee sorcerers, OP\Smug healers who don't use cover to block pull and charge, etc, etc, etc.


Although, yeah, VG\PT is still strong, can't disagree on that.

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