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Mace Windu vs Darth Bane


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Abeloth.....LMAO abeloth sufferes from what i like to call writers confusion, too many writers have been taking the reigns in the FOTJ series and abeloth pays for it. her power has been described as the living avatar/god of the darkside, yet by another writer described as afraid of luke especially after he kicked her *** on nam charos and used the mnemontherapy to learn to rip the spirit of callista ming from abeloth's own soul.


Luke is becoming more and more able to withstand and overcome Abeloth, he was recently learned to even yank the soul of castilla ming from abeloth as well as easily repel and withstand many of her attacks now that he has a grasp of her powers.


Abeloth has so far done nothing that is anymore dangerous or powerful than some of the most powerful sith lords.


Palpatine was capable of consuming life essence and binds to trillions of souls, tapping his battle meditation to a WHOLE GALAXY, and could wipe out fleets with his force storms.


Darth Vitaetus teh SWTOR emperor was like a low budget palpatine, he could acheive said effects but of course no where near palpy's level.


The day i see abeloth do something worthwhile that doesn't end with Luke punking her, will be the day i give her some props.


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Mace vs Bane.... Mhmmm


I'd toss it to bane from teh force powers alone, i believe that Mace could best him in Saber combat, but when it comes to force power much like palpy mace would only be on the defenses until he weakened. I mean bane was able to emit a killing field that out right ended life around him i find it hard to believe that mace would be able to withstand that as his lightsaber could not deflect a whole area field. We are also not sure if Mace had any real comparative energy dissipation techniques like yoda who could block or redirect energy fields without a saber. Granted that Shatterpoint would allow him to see the most weakest point of an attack or force power, mace would still need something to allow him to exploit the shatterpoint, a lightsaber is not something that can stop BANE's death field.

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Bane was a pure ******. Mace was alright, and I haven't read much of any books with him in it, but Bane was just a monster. My vote is with Bane. Just because he's so beast.


read shatterpoint, then come back here and post.


windu at his prime would beat bane at his prime, read both (sets of) books and this answer becomes clear.


windu only died because anakin surprised him, he simply had no idea what anakin was capable of... bane died to his weak *** sorcerer apprentice...

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