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Help with healer build


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I am returning to the game after a 3 month break. I am a healer. I want to respend my talents but i don't know which abilities are the best. Also critical, power, surge, which one is the most important? I am mainly interested in PVE. Thank you in advance.
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This is the pretty much the build I use on my merc healer. There's a few things that are interchangeable though, like for example taking the two points out of Improved Vents and Heat Damping and putting them into Peacekeeper, but I personally find Peacekeeper a useless talent as I never have my Kolto Shell on myself. Speccing deeper into the Arsenal tree to put the point into Upgraded Arsenal is a real help, since that flat 3% increase to crit chance is pretty good for one point.


If you're not a fan of alacrity (I only started using it recently) then you could always take the points out of System Calibrations and put them into Custom Enviro Suit, for a little extra survivability.


Personally, I really like my build, but I'm bound to considering it's my build :p Think my highest crit with RS was about 7k, but don't recall the exact number.


Welcome back! :D


EDIT: Forgot to mention stats! The guy above me is pretty spot on with Crit, Surge and Power. Only thing I will say is that a little extra alacrity isn't a bad thing. Not noticed much of a decline in my healing amounts of single heals, but my healing is definitely more affective now. With the buff from Critical Reaction, my RS takes 1.7 seconds and my HS takes 1.2 (lower than the GCD! :p). Fully buffed, my merc is currently sat around 37% crit rating, 74% surge and iirc about 10% alacrity (give or take a little, this is without the buff from Critical Reaction).

Edited by Codle
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There is certainly room to play with your talents for bodyguard mercs.


I run with http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfRRRzcdkfzZMcoZb.2


Three things I like to have is powershield, peacekeeper, and heat damping. Peacekeeper is nice for a lot of fights where you will take a lot of damage as a healer. I find myself putting kolto shield on myself a lot more lately since a lot more tanks have 27k+ hps now. I always seem to take a ton of dmg in raids. Between an Op hot and peacekeeper I find i'm not needing to waste as much heat on direct heals for myself. For soloing it just enables you to be a powerhouse. You can certainly live without it though. Heat damping is also great for cheap CC.


For stats I'm an alacrity guy myself. I try to keep close to 14% unbuffed. Popping SCG, adrenal, relic, with a critical reaction we are burst healing machines when you get the alacrity flowing.


My advice is tech crit to 35-37% (40 is better) surge to 75%. Alacrity to 10% or more and squeeze as much power as you can out of anything else.

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