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RP Partner re-roll


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Thanks, guys. If you see your name underlined in the first post's roster, that means I've confirmed you want to do this and you've got a spot in our re-roll.


I'm confirming I am interested.


And as far as faction goes, I'm really fine either way. If you guys want to do Empire I'm fine with that.

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If you are still looking for new people to join in I would certainly be honored to be allowed to join I live in EST, and am pretty active throughout the day, and I have no preference on with faction.


I'd love to have you on our team, I'll add you to the roster.


Also, as for faction, I'm fine with either. Just don't want to do an Agent...

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If there are any spots open in the roster i would gladly join i have said all of my details in the previous post whoever if the GMT time interferes and i can not join i understand.


Alright, if you think you could be active enough to help I'm sure it will be fine. Just know that most of us are 5-8 hours behind you so I don't want you to have to change your schedule to stay active with us. If you think it will work out, I will add you.


sonofbelz contacted me and is willing to help! I haven't spoken to shadowdemon about it yet but we see each other all the time in-game. If he is willing to start this I think we're ready to get started.

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Alright, if you think you could be active enough to help I'm sure it will be fine. Just know that most of us are 5-8 hours behind you so I don't want you to have to change your schedule to stay active with us. If you think it will work out, I will add you.


sonofbelz contacted me and is willing to help! I haven't spoken to shadowdemon about it yet but we see each other all the time in-game. If he is willing to start this I think we're ready to get started.


Awesome, we have a great number! So how are we doing this, are we doing two teams of 4? (or one of 3 until shadowdemon confirms or we find someone else). Or are we changing our organization?


Also, are we going to just have people do whatever class they want and allow for repeats, or did you guys want to have each one of the 8 of us take a different Advanced Class? Either way I totally call Smuggler or Imperial Agent :jawa_cool: Oh and if we are doing two teams we should figure out who is with who, and if we do the AC thing then we can match up people based on the classes they choose.

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Awesome, we have a great number! So how are we doing this, are we doing two teams of 4? (or one of 3 until shadowdemon confirms or we find someone else). Or are we changing our organization?


Also, are we going to just have people do whatever class they want and allow for repeats, or did you guys want to have each one of the 8 of us take a different Advanced Class? Either way I totally call Smuggler or Imperial Agent :jawa_cool: Oh and if we are doing two teams we should figure out who is with who, and if we do the AC thing then we can match up people based on the classes they choose.


I think it is a solid number to get started with. We'll use us 8 for now, and if we're going fine like I expect to, we will look to expanding our number. I'm ready to get focused and make this happen. I still like 2 teams of 4, I am pretty sure shadowdemon will help us in this, we speak often in game and he is a good RPer when he and I do events. So... for our two groups, we can do:






It's a tough call, I think all of them would be fun... If we did one of each faction it might be harder to communicate... But imagnine the RP rivalries we could have. We need to narrow it down though. So, all 8 of us are going to cast a vote ELIMINATING one of the three. Whichever one gets the most votes will be eliminated, and we will then have a new vote to decide what factions our two groups will be.


I would love to re-roll as a Jedi Sentinel, therefore I will cast my eliminating vote on.... Empire-Empire.


I will keep track of the votes on the first post.


The polls are now... Open.

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I think it is a solid number to get started with. We'll use us 8 for now, and if we're going fine like I expect to, we will look to expanding our number. I'm ready to get focused and make this happen. I still like 2 teams of 4, I am pretty sure shadowdemon will help us in this, we speak often in game and he is a good RPer when he and I do events. So... for our two groups, we can do:






It's a tough call, I think all of them would be fun... If we did one of each faction it might be harder to communicate... But imagnine the RP rivalries we could have. We need to narrow it down though. So, all 8 of us are going to cast a vote ELIMINATING one of the three. Whichever one gets the most votes will be eliminated, and we will then have a new vote to decide what factions our two groups will be.


I would love to re-roll as a Jedi Sentinel, therefore I will cast my eliminating vote on.... Empire-Empire.


I will keep track of the votes on the first post.


The polls are now... Open.


My vote would have to be to eliminate Republic-Empire; to divide us this early on will make collaboration harder, teams less flexible, and will make us much more likely to fall under and fail. There are other ways to have fun rivalries and competitiveness without the risks and limitations that come with being cross-faction.

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My vote would have to be to eliminate Republic-Empire; to divide us this early on will make collaboration harder, teams less flexible, and will make us much more likely to fall under and fail. There are other ways to have fun rivalries and competitiveness without the risks and limitations that come with being cross-faction.


Very good, if one of the options doesn't receive a vote then we'll just go ahead and do that one.

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Very good, if one of the options doesn't receive a vote then we'll just go ahead and do that one.


While this is being decided, we should try to firmly move toward making groups and trying to start this before we lose people. Especially since the holidays are coming up; this wouldn't be the first time holiday madness has caused the end of an infant guild of mine.


I am EST, and Mon-Friday the best times for me are between 21:00 and 4:00 GMT (or 4pm to 11pm EST). I can push a little earlier or later, but not by very much. Also Friday and Saturday are best for me, but also during the day on Sunday and weekday evenings.


From what I gather, Zanderwright is an EU player and is more available for earlier times, Jenzali is EST but gets home late some days, Mando is EST but would prefer earlier because of work in the morning, shadowdemon is flexible and available for any US peak hours, and I have no idea about Anaan, Sonofbelz, and Druidclaw.


Perhaps we should try to determine teams now based on time issues? If we have no other EU players, perhaps we may have to have an earlier group (late for Zander) that he would have to work around. Most of our players seem to be EST and CST, so maybe we should base this guild around peak EST/CST times?


So in conclusion, could you guys also post your preferred hours, your time zone, and preferred days of the week along with your vote?

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Thanks a lot for helping to get things organized with me. Love the help. Probably would be best to separate groups by times of availability. I can be on from 5-10 pm EST most weekdays. Weekends will vary depending on if I work then, but I'm usually active.
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Sorry for not being more active on the forum post. holiday fever .... engaged.... i wont be able to play before january third 2013 :).


mainly because the internet connection is very week were im going.


anyway, i am actually an EU player. but i can fix my shedule to what is most needed.


i vote to eliminate republic-republic, as i said preffer going imperial, from 2 reasons, 1) quest are better, 2) would like to be a sith warrior.


if we are going repuplic i would preffer not to take a force class

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If there are any openings left I have a level 1 sith warrior that I made for a similar group, but since it never got off the ground he hasn't even done his 1st quest. So if there are any openings I'd love to join up just let me know on here or PM me. Thanks.
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I would be willling to join however i am new to RP. I am an EU player so another group of EU players would be good for me. Im normally on from 15:30-22:00 GMT weekdays and from 13:15-23:30 weekends. Im willing to play as a consular or smuggler on rep side and a warrior or agent on imp side. If there are any spots open i would gladly accept.


Alright these are my details for time zones and such. I will be on mostly with weekend time during weekdays now that it is the holidays that will last till JAN 7th



Also i vote for removing empire-empire

Edited by Zanderwright
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Sorry for my recent inactivity, I am good mon-fri 4pm-11pm ish, I sometimes stay later, and weekends I normally play a little longer, and I am in EST, and I would vote to eliminate rep-emp, which although seems awesome, it would be really difficult to keep communications up with them
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