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Space combat


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I did every space missions everyday since launch and until i learned BW believed that i loved it. Theyr reasoning seems to be "if they play the missions, they love them". They never understood that we don't love to farm but we do it because we need the rewards. It was the worst farming ever (and i played Everquest 1 during 5 years) in a part of the game that i hate because i consider it a mockery.


I've played a lot of lucas art license since X-Wing. When i heard about swtor, having played champions (same graphic engine) i thought they would managed a "simple" merge. I never imagined one sec we would be facing something that had nothing to do with a real free 3D space combat sim like X-Wing was.


For a time, I hoped the rail "thing" was only a temporary prop before the real thing arrival ...


And now BW announce 10 more rail missions ...


If we want anything else i see only the boycott option. Don't play the so called "space missions". I won't.

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yeah... unfortunately it's my pretty much only option.


I don't do heroic missions past the origin world. I don't pvp. I don't do Flashpoints. So I need something to do between planets to get me where I like to be... 2 lvls above min for the next planet.


X-wing. Tie Fighter, and X-wing vs. Tie Fighter are for me the best Star Wars games ever. No game to come out since them has approached their awesome.


The Space Combat in SWTOR sucks. It's like a drop of water on the tongue of someone dieing of thirst. I can just sort of taste the space combat I yearn for...


I got another example... from a terrible movie. Battlefield Earth. The aliens starve the humans then let them loose. Then the aliens watch to see what they eat first and assume that must be their favorite food... The humans... starving just eat the first thing they can find... rats.


BW assuming we like their space combat is like the aliens thinking the humans liked eating rat.

Edited by FITorion
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  • 1 month later...

Maybe its just me... not sure why people hate the space battles so much, I love doing them, don't get me wrong, yeah it could be better and some of the missions suck royal donkey. But I have enjoyed them all, and repeat them many of times every day. The only real complaint I have on the current space battles is that they are only a single ship and you cant have your friends help, since everyone has the same space missions.... never made since to me why on an MMO there is something that is a single person only mission. But other then that... never had an issue with the space battles.


Comparing this game with the other star wars games is kind of lame.... since they are two different games and different times of generation. Its something new and be worked on as time goes on.

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I don't see why you can't make a comparison to the Xwving/Tie Fighter space combat to the SWTOR experience. Look at jump to light speed from Star Wars Galaxies. I never played it, but from what I've seen on the interwebs it looked superb compared to the watered down SWTOR space combat.



Edited by RattyRattail
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Lets get real for a bit. The only people I know that really like the space missions are the people that use the space bots to farm gold and mats. I personally know people that have had account bans for this, only after somebody rats on them.. Just Google it, several SWTOR space bots out there people are using because of the simplicity of the missions. Exact same thing over and over. Knowing this, now realize that this is a reason they think that space is popular. With bots preforming hundreds of space missions a day.

Frankly the only thing about the space combat that is good is the predictability. Although it reminds me of the old arcade style pilot coin operated games of the 1980's. Anyone that played SWG will be extremely disapointed when they see what BW has done to space. I wish that who ever designed the current space system on SWTOR had taken the time to see how SWG did it.

Fact is with older technoligy SWG had completely customizable, craftable ships. Ships that could land on a planet, fly in the atmosphere and compete in open space pvp. Space was probably my biggest let down initially about SWTOR. I feel so let down about my Bounty Hunter ship that I fast travel when I can to avoid the ship all together.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe its just me... not sure why people hate the space battles so much, I love doing them, don't get me wrong, yeah it could be better and some of the missions suck royal donkey. But I have enjoyed them all, and repeat them many of times every day. The only real complaint I have on the current space battles is that they are only a single ship and you cant have your friends help, since everyone has the same space missions.... never made since to me why on an MMO there is something that is a single person only mission. But other then that... never had an issue with the space battles.


Comparing this game with the other star wars games is kind of lame.... since they are two different games and different times of generation. Its something new and be worked on as time goes on.

It is not just you, I am of the same opinion. While I loved the entire X-wing series, I knew going in that there was NO WAY IN HELL they could implement that style of play into a themepark MMO. So my expectations were less than "normal". Add to that the fact that I enjoyed the "rogue squadron" game which is an "on-rails" space combat game.


When I started playing I did all the space combat missions every day. Now I do them when I feel like it. The space combat is just another "ride" in the themepark; if you do not enjoy it there is no one holding a gun to your head saying you have to do it. I am not saying those who are requesting more should stop, just don't expect miracles over night.

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Space Combat is a mini-game. That's all it was ever designed to be. a small distraction from the everyday grind of Dailys and what not. I enjoy it and it fulfills it's purpose.


They have already announced a pvp version which will not be on rails, due out later this year. hopefully, that will satisify all the people who feel like the current rails space combat is not up to their liking.

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Part of the reason space combat is complained about so often is that for many of us, it's the last straw that broke the camel's back. All the other disappointments in the game could be overlooked if the space combat had been really good. But it's not even close to really good; general consensus is that it's "sort of okay, sometimes, for now, maybe". But space combat was the most anticipated feature for a LOT of people, and as such it was by far the biggest (and final) let-down.


In the current system it's dumbed-down to the point of being comical, the system is so immersion breaking it makes me cringe, and it's the only part of the game that reminds me that the prequels exist (it just feels like you're Anakin accidentally piloting his Naboo starfighter into the blockade and saying: "Now THIS is Pod-racing!". It made me retch a little to write that just now.).

It's like "Baby's first space flight". All the hand-holding and ridiculous maneuvers and bizarre angles of fire and suspension of disbelief that are take place are just too much.


Coupled with that is a bit of a feeling of betrayal.

I was in beta for a long time before they implemented space combat, and there was ALWAYS a thread on the first page of every relevant forum asking them to change the way they planned on implementing it. And once it was introduced we kept telling them that it was extremely disappointing and that they needed to change it. But apparently they felt that we were being unreasonable or cynical or something, and ignored us. We heard rumors now and then that they were working on a REAL space system and we should just relax and bear with them.

Then open beta hit, and there were hundreds of new threads from new players complaining about being disappointed in space combat, which again were ignored. We all decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.


We're now nearly a month past the one year anniversary, the game is regarded as a joke by the MMO community at large, and the developers are reduced almost to Perfect World levels of money milking in order to maintain the game. And now we hear that they might make PvP space missions that work the way we've been asking for this entire time, probably, but to not get our hopes up for a new PvE system yet...


That's why many of us are so critical of space combat. I mean, those of us that have yet to abandon all hope of it being "fixed". You'll never hear from the others, they're not coming back.

Space combat is still one of the most fun things to do in the game. But rather than saying something good about space combat, that actually says something bad about the "fun" level of the rest of the game.



As an aside, I've always felt that this game has some extremely talented people working on it (writers, developers, directors, artists, voice actors, and a few others), people with great ideas and integrity, both of which are extremely rare in game development nowadays. That was the reason I bought their connector's edition; I love to support games by people that I believe in.

But ever since release I've seen more and more that it's being driven at the top levels by someone who is completely clueless and keeps ruining everything. I don't know who, probably some board of directors somewhere... Whoever they are, they seem to hate fun.

It had HUGE potential, massive resources at its disposal, several great franchises to draw from, a great staff, and some actually innovative and interesting ideas to shake up the MMO genre, yet somehow all of those things were implemented wrong and the entire thing is an embarrassing disappointment. It's still okay; it's not awful. There's just no reason to play it besides the fact that it's Star Wars. And evidently that's just not enough to compete on.

Edited by Aeomer
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  • 2 months later...

Dear EA and Bioware


The Space battles are Extremely Terrible and just awful. its like sitting down to eat your favorite food and there is a big steaming scoop of crap on top of the food. Please completely change the space battle to make them more interactive much like battle front 2 would be better then what it is now. be nice to be able to form squads with your guild or friends.

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i been looking for an "off-topic" forum and it looks like we don't have one. i think this is the closest forum/thread to what i want to post. lol.


i stumbled upon this video on youtube. epic space combat trailer for ME3 and wanted to share it. BW's legacy! (imo) an epic ending to a great story!

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