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Holiday flavored events


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Halloween is creeping up on us, as well as other holidays around the corner. This makes me wonder will SWTOR put in any events to tie in with real world holidays? In MMOs previous I enjoyed holiday inspired events. I know this is a galaxy far far away, and purists are going to scream "There's no Halloween on Tattooine!". However I offer these three points.

1.) This is a fictional world so it's not that serious.

2.) The players are part of the real world where said holidays do occur and it helps blen the line between the game and your real life.

3.) There was a Star Wars Christmas special so that Holiday clearly exists in the Star Wars universe.


Hopefully some light can be shed to either let the community's voice on this cone to light or some blue text can float some info on this.

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Halloween is creeping up on us, as well as other holidays around the corner. This makes me wonder will SWTOR put in any events to tie in with real world holidays? In MMOs previous I enjoyed holiday inspired events. I know this is a galaxy far far away, and purists are going to scream "There's no Halloween on Tattooine!". However I offer these three points.

1.) This is a fictional world so it's not that serious.

2.) The players are part of the real world where said holidays do occur and it helps blen the line between the game and your real life.

3.) There was a Star Wars Christmas special so that Holiday clearly exists in the Star Wars universe.


Hopefully some light can be shed to either let the community's voice on this cone to light or some blue text can float some info on this.


BW has already stated that they won't do our holidays because it isn't realistic to the Star Wars universe but mentioned doing SW holidays.


Im with you on this though. Yeah it's not in keeping with SW lore, but who care? I love our holiday themes in MMO's. On WoW, it was one of the few things that I looked forward to! We need a little more fun in SWTOR, tbh with you.

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No thank you. Generic Holiday events are bland imo. Pleas do not do this Bioware, spend your time crafting us a ****** spontaneous world event. Lets say a Sith invasion on Republic Fleet... or Force using Endorian Ewoks invade Dromund Kaas... you get the picture. Please do not play it safe and make Events something on a schedual that will only interfere with players if they choose to get involved. DESTROY the daily grind and force anyone who logs to deal with the world event.
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BW has already stated that they won't do our holidays because it isn't realistic to the Star Wars universe but mentioned doing SW holidays.


Im with you on this though. Yeah it's not in keeping with SW lore, but who care? I love our holiday themes in MMO's. On WoW, it was one of the few things that I looked forward to! We need a little more fun in SWTOR, tbh with you.


Since you asked: I care. Halloween in particular wasn't a thing in my country until a few years ago, and I still find it quite jarring to witness. I'm thinking of naming my fists "trick" and "treat"...

So, which "RL holidays" do you include? Do you include religious ones, of which religion? Do you include secular ones, of which country?


I am all for special events. But they have to fit the setting. So I'm glad when BioWare says "We'll do events that fit in-universe", instead of shoehorning real holidays into the game.

Another example would be WoW's "Brewfest. I live in Munich. The city is hell for natives while the Oktoberfest is on. It would be a perfect time to, you know, escape a bit into an online world where there is no Oktoberfest. Only, in WoW, there is. When I played WoW the past years, it felt like there was no escape from drunk, rude and overly loud people anywhere (though, thankfully, the barf was kept out of WoW, for the most part).


Long story short: If I want to observe a real holiday, I do so in RL. I don't need (or want) Christmas trees and snow on Coruscant when they're ubiquitous in my real life.

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No thank you. Generic Holiday events are bland imo. Pleas do not do this Bioware, spend your time crafting us a ****** spontaneous world event. Lets say a Sith invasion on Republic Fleet... or Force using Endorian Ewoks invade Dromund Kaas... you get the picture. Please do not play it safe and make Events something on a schedual that will only interfere with players if they choose to get involved. DESTROY the daily grind and force anyone who logs to deal with the world event.


I agree with everything this man says. Hire him, Bioware.

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We are going to have a "secret Santa" gift exchange in our guild. We will match up players with other players of the same faction and level range and they will go out and farm, craft or buy A gift for another player.


If you want to celebrate the holidays in the game, find a creative way to do so.

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This has already been re-hashed several times. As mentioned, there will be no real world themed events - BW (and many players do not want them), and LA will not allow them here. Less MMO triviality nonsense please and more Star Wars goodness is all that is needed.



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