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Threat TRANSFER + Misdirect Abilitys


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My guild runs TFB 16man HM and we are having trouble with our jugg tanks holding aggro, BH tanks are fine. I really don't care at this point if it's an L2P issue or a spec issue. Tanks need dps classes to misdirect their threat to them in some way so that tanks can generate threat FASTER and have more threat. The current changes are not enough. Edited by DkSharktooth
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If the tank's taunt and the threat dump abilities the DPS have aren't enough, then your DPS really just need to wait a few seconds for the tank to get aggro rather than attacking the instant the tank throws a lightsaber. If it's just one or two DPS that have a threat issue, you even have the option of shielding them. That it is possible for DPS to pull threat from the tank is part of the design. Frankly, yes, that's something with which the DPS need to learn to contend. If they can't, or won't, and you still bring them along on your ops, you're creating your own problems.


All of this is, of course, assuming that your juggernaut is doing their job properly.


For me, compared to my forays into tanking in a game like WoW, tanking in TOR is downright relaxing. I think asking for the DPS (and maybe even healers) to obtain tools to help tanks do their job is going a bit far.

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If the tank's taunt and the threat dump abilities the DPS have aren't enough, then your DPS really just need to wait a few seconds for the tank to get aggro rather than attacking the instant the tank throws a lightsaber. If it's just one or two DPS that have a threat issue, you even have the option of shielding them. That it is possible for DPS to pull threat from the tank is part of the design. Frankly, yes, that's something with which the DPS need to learn to contend. If they can't, or won't, and you still bring them along on your ops, you're creating your own problems.


All of this is, of course, assuming that your juggernaut is doing their job properly.


For me, compared to my forays into tanking in a game like WoW, tanking in TOR is downright relaxing. I think asking for the DPS (and maybe even healers) to obtain tools to help tanks do their job is going a bit far.


Please tell me how many tanks are left on your server who are just AMAZING that are available to be recruited? Is it ZERO? I think I guessed right. It's not an L2P issue or recruit someone better, neither of those options can get fixed without a larger population to chose from and steady recruitment of good players. The only option is to buff threat or give dps classes misdirect abilitys to boost tanks initial burst aggro on the pull of boss encounters. If there were server transfers, I can maybe see people being able to improve their player base, but that is coming soon^TM.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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